I no longer use WebCalendar, it has been replaced by the server-based DAViCal.
This page still exists purely for historical reasons.
Debian packages
- Homepage
- http://www.k5n.us/webcalendar.php
Answers to DebConf:
- manage settings.conf automatically = yes
- configure database for webcalendar with dbconfig-common = yes
- database type = mysql
- password of your database's administrative user = secret
- MySQL application password for webcalendar = secret (this is the password used to connect to MySQL)
- web server to configure = apache2
- should apache2 be restarted = yes
- should WebCalendar use persistent connections = no (because I don't expect heavy load)
- use HTTP authentication = no
- should WebCalendar be installed in single-user mode = no
File system
The webcalendar package stores its configuration in
This file contains information how to connect to the MySQL server, therefore it is protected with restrictive privileges:
-rw-r----- 1 root www-data 5708 Jan 4 15:57 settings.conf
Nothing needs to be changed in settings.conf, DebConf already has set up the file correctly.
Web server setup
The webcalendar package stores basic web server configuration in
which is a link to
Additional configuration is required because of restrictive settings on my server. The following configuration needs to be placed into /etc/apache2/conf.d/osgiliath.conf:
<Directory /usr/share/webcalendar/www/> Require all granted <IfModule mod_php5.c> php_admin_flag engine on </IfModule> </Directory>
MySQL setup
Nothing to do, this is handled automatically by DebConf if "configure database for webcalendar with dbconfig-common = yes".
- database name = webcalendar (automatically chosen)
- database user = webcalendar (automatically chosen)
- database password = secret (configurable through DebConf)
Actually, database setup is delegated and handled by package
This package stores configuration details for applications that it handles in its own directory
For webcalendar the file is named
Unfortunately, the file duplicates database access information already configured in /etc/webcalendar/settings.conf. The file therefore is protected with restrictive privileges:
-rw------- 1 root root 2478 Jan 4 15:57 webcalendar.conf
Web browser setup
After DebConf configuration is complete, webcalendar is available under the alias "/webcalendar". After manual web server configuration is done, the application is available through the browser:
The application needs some final configuration steps:
- admin
- users
- user "admin"
- change password (default password after installation is "admin")
- add new user "patrick"
- user "admin"
- system settings
- settings
- server url = http://www.herzbube.ch/webcalendar/
- time format = 24 hour
- week starts on = monday
- other
- allow remote subscriptions = yes
- email
- email enabled = yes (note that email reminders work despite this being set to "no")
- default sender address = webcalendar@herzbube.ch (so that email reminders have a reasonable sender address)
- settings
- users
In order for external clients to be able to access WebCalendar data, the following 2 things must be true:
- the site admin must have enabled remote subscriptions (admin->system settings->other)
- the user must have allowed remote subscriptions (admin->preferences)
For instance, for the user "patrick", the following URLs become available for subscription:
- http://www.herzbube.ch/webcalendar/publish.php/patrick.ics
- http://www.herzbube.ch/webcalendar/publish.php?user=patrick
- Kalender -> Abonnieren
- Im folgenden Fenster eine passende URL eingeben, z.B. http://www.herzbube.ch/webcalendar/publish.php/patrick.ics
- Aktualisieren = x Minuten
- Erinnerungen entfernen = false
- Aufgaben entfernen = false
Email reminders
The webcalendar package is configured to send out email reminders every 10 minutes. The file responsible for this is
For illustration purposes: to send out email reminders every 5 minutes you could create a crontab entry that looks like this:
*/5 * * * * cd /usr/share/webcalendar/tools; ./send_reminders.php
Note: For this to work, it must be possible to execute PHP scripts on the command line. The Debian package for PHP is already built to allow this.