This page contains information about the raid Molten Core in the mobile computer game Warcraft Rumble.
Molten Core consists of 7 bosses / maps arranged in 4 wings. The reward for beating each boss is 100 Valor. There is a special reward for beating a wing.
- Wing 1
- Lucifron
- Magmadar
- Reward: Boost Slot
- Wing 2
- Gehennas & Shazzrah
- Garr
- Reward: Mythic Tome
- Wing 3
- Baron Geddon
- Golemagg
- Reward: Legendary Core
- Wing 4
- Ragnaros
- Reward: Ragnaros Leader (on first completion) or 750 Coins (each time after first completion)
This is the list of leaders that I am currently using to beat the bosses:
- Maiev => Lucifron
- Grommash => Magmadar
- Cairne => Gehennas & Shazzrah
- Either Drakkisath or Tirion => Garr
- Rend => Baron Geddon
- Either Charlga or Hogger => Golemagg
- Either Jaina, Sneed or Emperor Thaurissan => Ragnaros
- Ragnaros / Baron Rivendare / Thalnos / Sylvanas / Cenarius / Onu / Ysera / Old Murk-eye => Not used
Maiev army (from OG's video, but adapted to my army slots)
- SAFE Pilot
- Worgen
- Ghoul
- Gryphon Rider
- Execute
- Whelp Eggs
- Other units featuring in OG's video: Skeleton Party, Quilboar, Harpies, Banshee, Dark Iron Miner
Thalnos army (I used this army in the first instance of Molten Core)
- Minis
- Plague Farmer
- Ghoul
- Execute
- Delias Bandits
- Footmen
- Skeleton Party
Video (by Old Guardian) showing the strategy with two low-level Maiev armies: https://youtu.be/ctWx4lM3eR8?si=yWrpCMJVAygQXfvT
The goal is to use unbound units (and if available Execute) to take out the mind-controlling mini-bosses and, in phase 3, to kill the main boss as fast as possible.
- At the start of the battle, and also on every phase change, it is important to kill the mind-controlling (MC) mini-bosses as fast as possible, therefore players should agree on the order in which to kill them. Usually the first to kill is the one on the right, then the one on the left, but if one player is noticeably weaker then it may be better to prioritize the weaker player's side.
- Preferrably use Execute when the MC mini-boss is close to a tower to also take the tower more quickly.
- Once the two MC mini-bosses are down, start to attack the main boss.
- Keep Execute ready when a phase change is imminent so that the MC mini-boss that spawns at phase change can be dealt with quickly.
- Also be aware that on phase change the boss re-takes towers.
- In phase 3 it is usually easiest to just drop all unbounds and Executes on the main boss. Depending on the average player army levels it can be safe to even ignore the MC mini-bosses and just concentrate everything on the main boss.
Grommash army (my own composition, because Grommash has a Wildcard slot for Execute)
- Tauren or Witch Doctor
- Darkspear Troll
- Execute
- Pyromancer
- Harpies
- Quilboar
Army 2
- Something similar as above
- Execute is mandatory as well as high damage minis that can defend.
Leaders used by OG
- Thalnos
- Sylvanas
Video (by Old Guardian) showing a strategy where in addition to Execute both players use Meat Wagon to hit the boss from a distance: https://youtu.be/Ld260RdqkTo?si=oyNl0T4Q6Hw-JyHi
The goal is to use Execute on multiple of the defending core hounds to kill them simultaneously so they can't resurrect each other. Once the core hounds are out of the way the boss can be attacked by whatever means are available to the players.
- Take and hold the side towers. This also secures the gold income from the chests below the towers.
- Kill core hounds with Quilboar (to draw them together) followed by Execute. This really is the best and most reliable strategy. While it is possible to kill the core hounds while they are far enough apart from resurrecting each other, often enough this approach fails and you lose precious time because you have to repeatedly kill the same core hounds. Eventually the battle may then end in a draw.
- Once the core hounds defending the boss are dead some of your minis can get through and damage the boss.
- On phase change the boss resurrects all core hounds and adds a new core hound to the pack, so that in phase 1/2/3 you face 3/4/5 core hounds.
- Notes on dead core hounds
- Dead core hounds apply Burn to any units that move across their dead bodies. Pyromancers or Trolls die to this! If a core hound died near one of the side towers, pay attention where you deploy your squishy units so they move around the dead bodies.
- Core hounds that resurrect on phase change do so at the place they died. If a core hound died near one of the side towers, it will start to attack that tower immediately after it is resurrected, so be prepared to take it out quickly.
- Both of these notes show again that it is preferable to kill core hounds when they are bunched up together near the boss.
- Pyromancer + Firehammer are the most annoying attackers because they have a lot of range and can attack flying units => This is why one suggestion is to add Tauren to the army.
- Also pay attention at Earth Elementals which can do dangerous amounts of damage to the base if left unchecked. Use Harpies to quickly kill them.
Gehennas & Shazzrah
Cairne (my own composition, because the battle is simple and my army has worked from the very first instance of Molten Core)
- Shaman
- Bat Rider
- SAFE Pilot
- Fire Elemental
- Harpies
- Quilboar
Army 2
- Something similar as above
- SAFE Pilot is mandatory
- No spells, because they are automatically countered by one of the bosses
- Shaman + a resistant tank (e.g. Fire Elemental) are excellent, but other tanky units can work, too.
- Also good because there are no flying enemies: Harpies + Quilboar and something cheap like Bat Rider.
Video (by Old Guardian) showing a strategy with SAFE Pilot and Molten Giants made resistant by Faerie Dragon. Important: Do NOT use Rend as shown in the video because that leader is now used to go against Baron Geddon. https://youtu.be/zWP9_NtThzg?si=jyZRePEqXiBEAUcl
The goal is that each player uses their SAFE Pilot to immediately kill the Flamewaker add that spawns when the red boss patrolling the top of the map reaches one side of the map. Other than that, just use any beefy units to beat the two bosses down over time.
- Take and hold the side towers.
- Each player must kill the Flamewaker add on their side with SAFE Pilot before it can complete its summoning ritual. If not killed the Flamewaker sends a flame wave down the whole battlefield, destroying everything on that side.
- If possible damage the boss in the middle enough so that it retreats to the top (it will do so when it has lost 1/3 of its health). Once that is achieved you can also take and hold the middle tower. Before the boss has retreated you should not waste resources on the middle tower because the boss will just take it back.
- Reportedly a Meat Wagon can shoot at the bosses from the middle tower position.
- Other than that, just attack.
Drakkisath army
- Pyromancer
- Dark Iron Miner
- SAFE Pilot
- Bat Rider
- Shaman
- Firehammer (Heightened Rage talent)
Tirion army (some people use Cenarius instead of Tirion)
- Holy Nova
- SAFE Pilot
- Prowler
- Skeleton Party (Skeletons of Rime talent), or - if Skeletons of Rime is not available - Chicken, or Harpies
- Pyromancer
- Dark Iron Miner
Two videos (by Old Guardian):
- With Skeleton Party and Skeletons of Rime talent: https://youtu.be/LqfMiwdBxdc?si=RzAUpCSn7gtiMu1l
- Without Skeleton Party: https://youtu.be/nrNYDDXdxzU?si=TvLkyfKQiyUuF6uE
Note: In the following text you can replace "Tirion" with "Cenarius".
The goal is to kill the boss in two pushes. Each push consists of a Drakkisath/Shaman deathball supported by Tirion for healing. The deathball is responsible for killing Earth Elementals on the Drakkisath player's side, while the Tirion player is responsible for defending against approaching Earth Elementals on their side. The Tirion player's type of defense depends on whether they have the Skeletons of Rime talent.
- The Drakkisath player is responsible for forming a deathball on their side. To do so they deploy Drakkisath + Shaman and take the closest tower.
- Once that is achieved and the tower is fully rebuilt, the Tirion player deploys a Tirion at the tower to support the deathball. If capped on gold, the Tirion player may later also add more units to the deathball.
- The deathball progresses on the Drakkisath player's side towards the boss, all the while taking more towers and killing approaching Earth Elementals. No Earth Elementals should get through to attack the base on the Drakkisath player's side!
- While the push is ongoing, the Tirion player defends against Earth Elementals that approach the base on their side.
- If Skeleton Party is used: Slowly build up the defense by deploying Skeleton Parties at the bottom edge of the map. It is important to deploy the Skeleton Parties as close as possible to the map bottom so they are out of range of the explosion that occurs when they kill an Earth Elemental. 3-4 Skeleton Parties should be enough. Do not deploy more because this will cause the AI to try to kill them with Chain Lightning. Keep a Holy Nova ready so that in case it happens you can heal the damaged skeletons back to full.
- If Chicken or Harpies are used, just deploy them when the Earth Elementals approach.
- Phases
- Phase 1>2: The deathball is wiped out. Specifically, the boss kills all minis that are near it, then towers and minis further away take damage over time, eventually killing all towers.
- Phase 2>3: The deathball is NOT wiped out. The player base starts taking continuous damage, so players are now on a timer. The goal is that the deathball remains alive and just kills Garr.
- Do NOT support the first push with too much - it should not push Garr into phase 3 because the second deathball will not have enough time to reach Garr before the base is killed.
- The second push can be supported as much as defense allows.
- Important: Both players, but especially the Tirion player, must be watchful of any approaching Darkspear Trolls. If one is spotted, kill it ASAP with either SAFE Pilot (Pilot needs to get the 2nd shot in) or Prowler if it is already too close.
- Other notes
- Sometimes a Drake may also come close to the base, or it may position itself to guard a gold node - use SAFE Pilot to get rid of it.
- Deploy Dark Iron Miner whenever a gold node has at least one gold - even one gold will pay back the two gold that the unit cost (because the gold will be given to both players). This is very important to keep the AI starved for gold.
- The boss is armored => elemental damage is good.
- If the player base has a sufficiently high level the towers will survive the first phase change, allowing to start the second deathball already from the first tower.
Earth Elemental strategy variation
A variation of the regular Drakkisath/Tirion strategy is to deploy Earth Elemental with the "Ready to Rumble" talent right before each phase change. When timed correctly the Earth Elemental's Taunt ability (which it gets from the talent) will prevent the boss from changing phase, thus allowing to kill the boss with a single deathball push.
Note that "Ready to Rumble" preventing a phase change is widely considered to be a bug, hence this strategy may become invalid at any time when Blizzard fixes the bug.
Spell strategy
An entirely different alternative strategy is to not take any towers at all, so as to avoid the Earth Elemental map mechanic, and instead kill the boss exclusively with spells.
The obvious choice for this is Jaina with Execute, especially when her army has a boost slot. The disadvantage is that Jaina can then not be used anymore for Ragnaros, so this is why I have never tried this strategy.
Some notes from videos I have seen:
- The decks should contain only cheap units so players can cycle fast.
- Dark Iron Miner is important to contest the AI for gold.
- Shaman with the Earthwall Totem talent can heal the base back if it takes some damage.
- Even with healing, this strategy works only if the base is at least level 25, better 26, because otherwise you lose the damage race in phase 3.
Baron Geddon
Strategies overview
This page covers three strategies to beat Baron Geddon. The best one is the "pretty fast kill" strategy because it combines a relatively fast play time with the fewest number of retries needed.
- The "fast kill" strategy ambushes Baron Geddon with Gargoyle and Meat Wagon when he's at the 3 o'clock position on the map. When it works this strategy achieves the fastest kill time (around 1:30 minutes), but it is somewhat RNG dependent and may need several attempts. This strategy was discovered around the same time as the "slow kill" strategy and is superior because it allows vastly faster retries with less fatigue.
- The "slow kill" strategy takes all towers, which eventually prevents the AI from playing any minions except those Fire Elementals that are free map mechanic spawns. When the fight reaches overtime the players then push the boss through all phase changes in quick succession. This strategy was discovered by OG after Baron Geddon was buffed; it was a relief because it again allowed to get a guaranteed kill after the buff. The drawback is that it takes a lot of concentration and near flawless play from both players for a long time (6 minutes until overtime, then another slice to actually kill the boss).
- The "pretty fast kill" strategy, discovered by OG, is an improvement of the "fast kill" strategy. It ambushes Baron Geddon, again with Gargoyle and Meat Wagon, but this time at the 9 o'clock position. The improvement of the strategy is that Fire Elementals spawned by the boss on phase change need to travel a long time (counter-clockwise from the boss' position) until they reach the place from where they start to attack the player base. This gives players enough time to finish off Baron Geddon before the player base comes under heavy attack, thus removing the RNG element of the "fast kill" strategy to a large extent. Another improvement is that on the left side of the base there is enough space to place several Meat Wagons to speed up the kill. In the OG video the kill with this strategy takes 2:10 minutes.
Armies (fast kill)
- The following army compositions and levels are taken from the Wilduxa video.
- In our guild we used Rend for both armies, because Rend can also be deployed at the start of the battle to take the top-right tower.
- See below for the armies me and my guild mate actually used when we finally managed to kill the Baron.
Army 1: Tirion or Rend
- Gryphon Rider (with potion talent)
- Blizzard (24)
- Dark Iron Miner
- Chimaera (24)
- Harpies (25)
- Gargoyle (26)
Army 2: Drakkisath or Rend
- Dark Iron Miner
- Faerie Dragon
- Chimaera (25)
- Meat Wagon (25, with Fury talent)
- Execute (24)
- Gargoyle (28)
Modifications and thoughts (theorycrafting, did not lead to success):
- If both Gargoyles are high-level then Faerie Dragon can be exchanged for something else, e.g. Banshee for additional defense. Banshee is a good choice because it does not need to match the slot.
- When I played, I had exchanged Execute for Plague Farmer, with the idea that Plague Farmer can also add a bit more damage to Baron from afar. Also Plague Farmer is cheaper than Execute and in phase 3 can therefore be cycled faster. It is not clear, though, whether this reasoning is good.
- Another potential modification is to include Polymorph, to handle at the end in one go the many Fire Elementals that are converging on the base. This might buy the desperately needed additional 1-2 seconds.
- Is the second Dark Iron Miner really worth it? Because it is rarely able to farm more than 1 gold. The answer is: Yes. If it can mine 1 gold it pays for itself (because the other player also receives 1 gold) and therefore lets you cycle through your deck at zero cost. And if RNGesus wills it and it can mine more than 1 gold, then it is a win. Any replacement would have to be a very strong strategical gain, because it would cost gold.
Armies (fast kill) 2
Here are the armies that me and my guild mate actually used when we finally managed to kill the Baron. The most important change was to use Whelp Eggs to reliably take the top-right tower.
Army 1 (mine): Rend
- Dark Iron Miner (24)
- Pyromancer (29)
- Gargoyle (29)
- Whelp Eggs (28)
- Meat Wagon (28, with Fury talent)
- Chimaera (30)
Army 2 (my buddy's): Rend
- Faerie Dragon (20, off-slot)
- Dark Iron Miner (21)
- Harpies (26)
- Banshee (21)
- Chimaera (25)
- Gargoyle (27, with Aerial Superiority talent which may or may not have been useful)
Strategy (fast kill)
Video (by Wilduxa) illustrating the fast kill: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UULwT2-ArOY
The goal is to continously attack Baron Geddon with Gargoyles while he is at the 2 o'clock or 3 o'clock position, supported by Meat Wagon damage, to kill him fast enough so that the fire tornados that launch at phase changes become irrelevant. The strategy heavily relies on RNG because a lot can go wrong (Drake kills the Meat Wagon early, Drake kills initial push and prevents tower from being taken, no gold to kill an attacking Gargoyle, etc.).
- Top-right tower
- When the battle starts, deploy 2x Chimaera, or any combination of Chimaera and Rend, to start taking the top-right tower.
- If needed, deploy minis like Harpies or Banshee to support the Chimaera/Rend team.
- Deploy Whelp Eggs behind the top-right tower when it is distracted by Chimaera or Rend. This is a reliable way to take the tower fast.
- If Execute is used in the deck this can be used instead of Whelp Eggs to speed up taking the tower.
- Start assault on Baron Geddon
- If Gryphon Rider is used in the deck: Deploy Gryphon Rider at the edge of the lava to the right of the base => it will drop a potion and maybe hit Baron once.
- Deploy the lower-level Gargoyle when Baron is on the small island => Gargoyle picks up the potion (if Gryphon Rider was used) and starts attacking Baron.
- Deploy Meat Wagon => Meat Wagon starts damaging Baron while Baron is kept busy by the Gargoyle.
- Make sure to deploy the Meat Wagon far enough away from Baron so it will not get killed by the Baron's swipe or during phase changes. Best is to deploy it a far left as possible - it will then advance by its own to a position from where it can hit Baron.
- From now on, whenever a Gargoyle is low in health, deploy another Gargoyle => Keeps Baron busy in place.
- Phases
- Whenever there is a phase change the Baron kills everything in front of it. It is therefore vital that the next Gargoyle is deployed only AFTER the phase has changed.
- Every Gargoyle should last long enough to achieve a phase change. Lower-level Gargoyle goes from phase 1 => 2, higher-level Gargoyle from phase 2 => 3.
- The lower-level Gargoyle is supported by the Meat Wagon damage. The Resistant buff given by Faerie Dragon is also important. Optionally +1 level from the Gryphon Rider talent is also helpful.
- The higher-level Gargoyle should be capable of achieving a phase change without any support.
- Deploy a second Gargoyle in phase 3 because there will be no more phase changes.
- The fire tornados launched at phase changes can be ignored because if everything works out they are irrelevant.
- Top-right tower must be taken when Baron goes into phase 2 because otherwise there will be too many elementals attacking the base.
- Pour everything else into defense.
- At the very end, if Execute is used in the deck it may help to finish the Baron off.
Armies (pretty fast kill)
What is needed
- One big Gargoyle in Boost slot
- One big Meat Wagon in Boost slot
- Two viable Chimaeras
Army 1: Rend
- Dark Iron Miner
- Faerie Dragon
- Chimaera (level 27+)
- Meat Wagon (with Fury Talent, level 24+)
- Quilboar
- Gargoyle (level 28+)
Army 2: Rend
- Pyromancer (level 24)
- Dark Iron Miner
- Banshee
- Chimaera (level 24+)
- Harpies (level 23)
- Meat Wagon (with Fury Talent, level 28+)
- Optional: Exchange either Pyromancer or Dark Iron Miner with Whelp Eggs
Strategy (pretty fast kill)
Video (by Old Guardian) showing a kill in 2 minutes 10 seconds: https://youtu.be/u8YXyTpNQ-M?si=6688Ah-ks2GHMiop
There are two advantages of this strategy when compared to the "fast kill" strategy
- When Baron Geddon sends out Fire Elementals on phase change, they start out from his position and then travel counter-clockwise, i.e. they take a long way to reach their target and can therefore be ignored.
- Also on the left side of the base there is enough space for two or even three Meat Wagons to be deployed at the same time.
- The army with the Gargoyle is the one that engages Baron Geddon. The other army is used mostly in defense, but contributes with its Meat Wagon to the offense.
- Taking towers
- Take first the top-left tower. Send out the higher-level Chimaera to this one. A level 27 Chimaera is capable of taking a tower on its own.
- Also take the top-right tower, but this can come second. Send out the lower-level Chimaera to this one, possibly making the Chimaera resistant with Faerie Dragon (because FD is not in the same army as the lower-level Chimaera this needs coordination between players).
- The second Chimaera needs to be supported a lot to also counter the initial attack wave that comes from the 12 o'clock position.
- If players have enough levels to take bottom towers as well, then that's all the better, but make sure to not waste resources that you need when the actual attack on the boss begins.
- Defend and wait for the boss to reach the 7 o'clock or 8 o'clock position.
- In the OG video, by the time the top-right tower was taken the boss was already at the 6 o'clock position.
- The player with the Gargoyle army needs to save 10 gold and have the right units ready to deploy.
- The ambush
- Start attacking Baron Geddon as far down as possible, i.e. already at the 7 o'clock or 8 o'clock position.
- The player with the Gargoyle army needs to spend 10 gold to deploy 3 units: Gargoyle (4g), Faerie Dragon (3g) and Meat Wagon (3g).
- The second player also needs to deploy a Meat Wagon.
- Phases
- Whenever there is a phase change the Baron kills everything in front of it. It is therefore vital that the next Gargoyle is deployed only AFTER the phase has changed.
- Send another Gargoyle in phase 2.
- Send either another Gargoyle or a third Meat Wagon in phase 3.
- When the boss changes phase, drop Quilboar or some other Unbound unit to make Baron Geddon stay in its place a little bit longer, so that another Gargoyle can be sent (and also the Meat Wagons can hit more often).
- The fire tornados launched at phase changes can be ignored because if everything works out they are irrelevant.
- Also the Fire Elementals that Baron Geddon sends out on phase change can be ignored, because they start out from Baron Geddon's position and then travel counter-clockwise to attack the base from the right. This takes a long time, so the boss will be dead before the Fire Elementals become an issue.
- Other notes
- If both players have a Gargoyle that has a sufficiently high level, then Faerie Dragon is not needed because the Gargoyle will last long enough to push the boss into the next phase. As shown in the OG video, a level 28 Gargoyle supported by Meat Wagon Damage is by far capable enough to survive without Faerie Dragon.
Armies (slow kill)
Leaders to use:
- 2x Rend
- Or Drakkisath + Rend
- Maybe other leaders work as well if their army slots can provide the necessary levels
Army 1
- Whelp Eggs
- Dark Iron Miner
- Spell, either one of these:
- Cheat Death (level 21 or higher) => On Chimaera fully heals Chimaera
- Polymorph (level 24 or higher) =>
- Chimaera (level 24 or higher)
- Faerie Dragon => give Resistance to Gargoyle
- Gargoyle (level 26 or higher) => deals majority of damage to the boss
Army 2
- Whelp Eggs
- Dark Iron Miner
- Harpies
- Banshee
- Quilboar
- Chimaera (level 27 or higher)
Strategy (slow kill)
Videos illustrating the slow kill:
- Old Guardian: https://youtu.be/-DxwkKppZ2k?si=15-8FOdIsdE7RSUu
- Omeleet: https://youtu.be/3Jn7-F-Wmqo
The goal is to take all 4 towers to deprive the AI of deploy zones. Eventually the AI will no longer be able to spawn any units except the Fire Elementals that the map mechanic spawns for free. Once this is achieved, hold out until overtime and then rapidly kill Baron Geddon - ideally while he is at the 12 o'clock position to avoid the fire tornados that spawn at phase changes from interfering.
The difficulty of this strategy is that it requires 6 minutes of high concentration, and almost no mistakes are allowed. If anything goes wrong a lot of time was wasted, and energy levels of players are often dropping quickly so that more mistakes creep in. The "fail fast" approach of the "fast kill" strategy may therefore be preferrable to some players.
- If Polymorph is level 26 or higher, any Fire Elementals that are polymorphed while they are on lava will die.
- Enemy Fire Elementals that are taken over with Banshee do not take damage from lava and fire tornados.
Use Beast leaders because the armies need to buff two Beast minis. Charlga is the recommended option, but other leaders are OK, too.
Army 1 (defense)
- Chimaera
- Polymorph
- Faerie Dragon
- Whelp Eggs
- Cheat Death (no need to match slot)
- Blizzard
Army 2 (offense)
- Chimaera
- Quilboar
- Harpies
- Cheat Death
- Faerie Dragon
- Whelp Eggs
Video (by Old Guardian): https://youtu.be/IFT_efOzqv0?si=dmqmNielTURpiJOH
Battles are heavily influenced by RNG, especially at lower levels. If something goes wrong, don't waste too much time trying to recover - simply let yourself die and try again. At higher levels the strategy works more reliable, because the Chimaeras just do so much damage that the boss goes down.
- With very specific exceptions, deploy only flying units to avoid the Core Hounds on the ground.
- Attack through the middle lane.
- Take the tower with the first push.
- Defend the tower until it is built, then start a second push from there.
- Offense
- Get as many Chimeras to the boss as possible.
- Make some of the Chimeras resistant with Faerie Dragon.
- At the appropriate moment cast Cheat Death to keep Chimaeras from dying. As a side effect they will heal themselves up. Because both players have Cheat Death in their deck, try to arrange at the start who will cast Cheat Death first - this may not be possible, though, due to what is required to counter RNG.
- Deploy Whelp Eggs behind the boss to distract it.
- Also deploy Quilboar behind the boss, both to distract it but also to renew the Poison stacks.
- Defense
- Polymorph + Blizzard gets rid of Pyromancers and Firehammers.
- Do not deploy Quilboar at the tower! Most of the time this will in one way or another attract the Core Hound at the top.
- Be careful when deploying Whelp Eggs at the tower! If only one of the eggs lands on the top lane, it will attract the Core Hound.
Armies (Sneed)
Army 1: Jaina
- Banshee
- Dark Iron Miner
- Blizzard (level 26 or higher)
- Whelp Eggs (Flame Burst talent)
- Ancient of War (Lightning Rod talent)
- Execute (in Boost slot + as many additional levels as possible - maybe Epic is required; Bloodthirsty talent)
Army 2: Sneed (Lead with Greed talent)
- Dark Iron Miner
- Bat Rider
- Gargoyle (as high level as possible, but 25 worked; Wing Buffet talent)
- Meat Wagon (as high level as possible, but 25 worked; Filet Trebuchet talent)
- Blizzard (level 26 or higher)
- Whelp Eggs (as high level as possible, but 27 worked; Flame Burst talent)
Strategy (Sneed)
No video at the time of writing, because the Meat Wagon strategy was nerfed in the latest re-run of Molten Core (lava burn gets re-applied and Meat Wagon dies).
The goal is to take advantage of Sneeds ability to generate excessive amounts of gold when siege units take chests and towers, as well as to use Ancient of War to redirect the AI's Dark Iron Miners and therefore deprive the AI of gold. Due to the huge gold advantage players can get to phase 3 without too much damage to the base, and in phase 3 they can just take down Ragnaros with a barrage of spells (Execute, Blizzard) and Whelp Eggs. The change to phase 3 should occur during overtime in order to not run out of gold.
- General notes
- Initially two pairs of Flamewakers approach, one on each side tower. Sometimes a Firehammer is also added to the mix. Get rid of these with Blizzard or Bat Rider or Whelp Eggs. For the remainder of the battle, Blizzard should be used to kill Flamewakers and Firehammers, and Whelp Eggs should be used on Ragnaros.
- Kill Majordomus Executus with Blizzard, Whelp Eggs and Execute as soon as possible to cause Ragnaros to emerge so that the actual battle can start.
- The Jaina player is responsible for taking over Core Hounds that come out of the lakes near the base, or Mountain Giants that spawn from one of the side towers.
- Only ever take towers on one side of the map, so that when Ragnaros takes a tower back the flame wave on the other side that is triggered by the tower re-take does not damage any of your things.
- Throughout the battle, both players use spells and Whelp Eggs to damage Ragnaros according to what gold they have available.
- In phase 3 Ragnaros starts to shoot meteors at the player base, so players are on a timer. Because of that, in phase 3 dealing damage to Ragnaros takes priority over defense. The only exception is the mini-boss that spawns directly in front of the base - this must be defeated immediately.
- A Meat Wagon that is deployed on the left side of the player base's upper deploy zone will navigate to the edge of the lava ring that surrounds Ragnaros' island, and if Ragnaros is there it will start shooting at Ragnaros. However, the lava applies burn so that the Meat Wagon dies soon. It may therefore be of advantage to deploy it so it stays clear of the lava and survives longer.
- Securing gold advantage
- The Sneed player's siege units need to be involved in taking chests and towers to get the bonus gold from the Sneed ability.
- Sneed needs to be deployed to get the bonus gold from the Sneed talent.
- Obviously make sure to always secure the chest in front of the base and not let the AI have it.
- The Jaina player needs to deploy Ancient of War with at least 4 gold to make its talent work. It can be difficult to time this properly so that a sudden gold spike is not wasted on Ancient of War.
- Once Majordomus Executus is gone, Dark Iron Miner can be deployed on the inner side of the gold nodes at the top of the map because then they are out of reach of the towers.
- Phase changes
- On every phase change several Son of Flame mini-bosses spawn. These are heavy-hitting ground units that also damage flyers with burn, but they are weak against siege damage. The best unit therefore to counter them is Gargoyle, but if in need any other siege unit can be used to stall them.
- Phase 1 > 2: Two Son of Flame mini-bosses spawn on both sides of the map, for a total of four. It is best to deploy a Gargoyle before the phase change on the right side, then there should be enough time to deploy another Gargoyle on the left side. One Gargoyle should be enough to kill one Son of Flame, and at least damage the second Son of Flame so that the second one can be overcome with other units.
- Phase 2 > 3: As above, but in addition a fifth Son of Flame spawns directly in front of the base. A Gargoyle MUST be ready to counter this mini-boss immediately.
- The change to phase 3 should be timed so that it happens during overtime.
- On phase change Ragnaros becomes more or less immune (90% damage reduction) for 5 seconds, so when phase 3 begins players should wait 5 seconds until they start spamming spells and Whelp Eggs.
Armies (Emperor Thaurissan with Worgen)
Army 1: Emperor Thaurissan (Hubris talent)
- Dark Iron Miner
- Whelp Eggs (as high level as possible, but 27 worked; Flame Burst talent)
- Ancient of War (Lightning Rod talent)
- Defias Bandits
- Gargoyle (as high level as possible, but 25 worked)
- Worgen (in Boost slot, level 28 or higher)
Army 2: Jaina
- Banshee
- Blizzard (as high level as possible - level 22 worked in the OG video, but level 23 would be a lot better, because when Jaina is in play Blizzard is then cast at level 26, which is sufficient to kill Firehammers)
- Execute (as high level as possibly, but 25 worked; Bloodthirsty talent)
- Dark Iron Miner
- SAFE Pilot
- Whelp Eggs (in Boost slot, as high level as possible; Flame Burst talent)
Strategy (Emperor Thaurissan with Worgen)
Video (by Old Guardian): https://youtu.be/ViCUwPtP20w?si=zjNGhTWjhuFzUbpD
- The goal is that Emperor Thaurissan, with the help of the Hubris talent, can plays a level 30 (or higher) Worgen which then is able to deal substantial damage to Ragnaros.
- To make this cost effective, it is important that the Worgen is level 30, because with that level it survives one attack from Ragnaros, allowing it to deal even more damage.
- With this strategy Emperor Thaurissan takes the offensive role, while Jaina becomes the defensive player.
- Same as in other strategies, the goal is to make the change to phase 3 only when overtime begins. When this happens both players more or less stop defending and start to focus all their damage on Ragnaros, killing him before the mini bosses reach the base.
- Same as in other strategies, the only exception is that at the start of phase 3 the ET player must deploy a Gargoyle to defend against the mini boss that spawns directly north of the player base.
- Noteworthy: Ragnaros deals AoE damage, so drop Worgen first, then Whelp Eggs second, because the other way around Ragnaros starts hitting Worgen while it is still stealthed and did not have time yet to do its big-damage attack from stealth.
- Other than that, read the Sneed strategy section.
Armies (Arcane Blast)
Army 1: Emperor Thaurissan (Hubris talent)
- Dark Iron Miner
- Whelp Eggs (as high level as possible, but 27 worked; Flame Burst talent)
- Ancient of War (Lightning Rod talent)
- Banshee
- Blizzard (as high level as possible, but 25 worked)
- Arcane Blast (in Boost slot, as high level as possible; Torrent talent)
Army 2: Sneed (Lead with Greed talent)
- Dark Iron Miner
- Bat Rider
- Gargoyle (as high level as possible, but 24 worked)
- Whelp Eggs (as high level as possible, but 25 worked)
- Meat Wagon (as high level as possible, but 25 worked)
- Arcane Blast (in Boost slot, as high level as possible; Torrent talent)
Strategy (Arcane Blast)
Video (by Old Guardian): https://youtu.be/j9wtN8vlC6w?si=qNymRqasaHkKIihh
- Sneed generates insane amounts of gold.
- Using that gold both players cast Arcane Blast as many times as possible until it gains huge levels and can kill Ragnaros.
- For the rest, see the Sneed strategy section above.