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This page contains my notes on getting to run my own instance of the Discord bot Dolores 2.0.


You need a system that you can use for development work. This can be either a personal laptop or desktop machine, or a remote development machine.

You need accounts on the following platforms:

  • Discord
  • GitHub
  • Google
  • Heroku

For certain calls to the PSS web API you need the "general purpose access token" (GPAT). The bot will start up without this token, though, so you don't need it in order to take your first steps.

This is a summary of the steps that I took to get the bot to run:

  • Prepare dev system to work on
  • Create a Google application
  • Add a stub file to Google Drive
  • Create a Discord application
  • Fork and clone the GitHub repository
  • Create and configure a Heroku Application
  • Deploy the code into the Heroku Application container
  • Configure the fleet's Discord server


GitHub repositories

Discord resources

Heroku resources

Google Drive resources

Create platform accounts

You need accounts on several platforms. If you prefer you can create the accounts as you need them, but I recommend to set them up before you begin.

List of platforms where you need accounts:

  • Discord
  • GitHub
  • Google
  • Heroku

Obtaining the GPAT

For certain calls to the PSS web API you need the so-called "general purpose access token", or GPAT for short. This token is not available to the general public because SavySoda do not support general access to their PSS web API. They do tolerate access to their API by an informal community of developers that are PSS enthusiasts, and for that purpose they have handed out the GPAT to the PSS developer community at some point in the past, under the implied condition of responsible use.

The PSS developer community in turn has adopted the following policy how to deal with the GPAT:

The community wants to limit who has the GPAT and to make sure that it is used responsibly. This is because of several concerns, starting with: If SavySoda thinks that the GPAT usage has become a problem then they could just turn it off. That would not necessarily affect their own code, but it would stop a ton of the community stuff, like Pixyship, the Dolores/Dolores 2.0 bots, etc. So first the community wants to make sure that the request for the GPAT is not spurious, i.e., the person already knows how to program and can write a program using the API. The community does not want to give the key to someone who has only an idle interest. And secondly, the community wants to prevent secondary distribution of the GPAT, to keep it from getting into the hands of unknown people with unknown interests.

That being said, you can obtain the GPAT from the PSS developer community by joining them and answering some questions. They might impose additional conditions such as asking that you write some code working with the API first. There is a number of API calls that don't require the GPAT, so that shouldn't be too hard.

Note: The bot will start up without the GPAT, so you don't need it in order to take your first steps.

Prepare dev system to work on


The system I'm working on is a vanilla Debian system which points to the stable branch (currently Debian buster, i.e. Debian 10).

If you're working with a different flavour of Linux you'll have to find your way around your particular package manager. On macOS I strongly recommend to use the package manager Homebrew. On Windows you are on your own.


  • Upgrade to a version of your operating system / package manager where Python 3.7 is available. On Debian that is Debian buster, i.e. Debian 10, or newer.
  • Make sure that Python 3.7 (or newer) is the default Python version on your system, i.e. executing the command python starts the Python 3.7 interpreter. This is necessary so that later on the Heroku command line runs Python commands with the correct Python version. On my Debian system I had to run these commands:
update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python2.7 1
update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python3.7 2
  • On Debian install these packages if they are not yet installed:
    • python3-pip (required so that Python dependencies of the bot project can be installed)
    • postgresql-server-dev-11 (required for building certain Python dependencies with pip; the indicator that you are missing this package is the following error message when installing the dependencies via pip: Error: b'You need to install postgresql-server-dev-NN for building a server-side extension or libpq-dev for building a client-side application.\n')
    • snapd (required for installing the Heroku CLI)
  • Install the Heroku CLI if it is not yet installed: snap install heroku --classic

System account

I like to work with different system accounts for different roles, so on my Debian system I added a new developer system account dev.

Adding a system account can be as simple as running useradd or adduser. If you're like me and are running LDAP or something else as the backend for the system user database, then it will be more complicated.

Here are the steps for my system:

  • Add LDAP user/group entries
  • Manually create the home folder /home/dev
  • Populate the home folder with bash dot files
  • Add an SSH public key to be able to log in without a password
  • Add this line to .bash_profile: export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/bin:$HOME/.local/bin"
    • $HOME/bin is where I'm installing account-specific helper scripts
    • $HOME/.local/bin is where pip installs Python dependencies

Create a Google application


You need to create a new Google application. When your bot instance runs it will act as that application in order to access data in a specific folder in your Google account's Google Drive.

In addition to going through the following sections you can also follow the guide listed in the references section, it has pictures and a few more details.

Project creation

The starting point for creating the application is this URL:

  • Click "Create Project"
  • Project name = PSS Dolores clone
    • You should probably invent a more unique name.
    • I recommend using the same name for the Discord and the Google applications.
    • The project ID is auto-generated from the name.

Add the Google Drive API

  • Select the project once it has been created. You may need to navigate to the Google Cloud Platform dashboard and select the project from the drop-down menu.
  • Search for "google drive api" in the search field at the top of the screen
  • Select the entry, then click the button "Enable"

Create service account and credentials

The next step is to create a service account and to get credentials for accessing the service account. There are several ways how to do this, and if you don't know your way around in the Google Cloud Platform console things might be a bit confusing.

After you added and enabled the Google Drive API, the web interface shows the message "To use this API, you may need credentials. Click 'Create credentials' to get started." Clicking the "Create credentials" button starts a Wizard-like UI that guides you until you get to the point where you can create the service account. The answers to the wizard's questions are these:

  • Which API are you using = Google Drive API
  • Where will you be calling the API from? = Web Server (e.g. node.js, Tomcat)
  • What data will you be accessing? = Application Data
  • Are you planning to use this API with App Engine or Compute Engine? = No
  • Click the button "What credentials do I need?"
  • This starts the procedure to create a service account.

Alternatively, after you added and enabled the Google Drive API, select "Credentials" from the menu on the left.

  • This shows a screen with the message "To view all credentials or create new credentials visit Credentials in APIs & Services". Click the "Credentials in APIs & Services" link.
  • Note that the "+ Create credentials" button at the top of the screen does not work, it only offers to create an "API key".
  • After clicking the link, a new screen opens with a button "Create credentials" in the center.
  • Clicking the button opens a drop-down menu. Select the "Service account key" menu entry.
  • In the next screen you can select a service account from a drop-down menu. Select the "New service account" menu entry.
  • This starts the procedure to create a service account.

Service account creation

  • Service account name = PSS Dolores clone
    • You should probably invent a more unique name.
    • I recommend using the same name as the Google application name.
  • Service account ID (auto-generated from the name) = pss-dolores-clone
  • Role = Project > Editor
  • Key type = JSON
  • Click the button "Create" to create the service account.

Creating the service account immediately downloads a JSON file to your computer. Important: Store this JSON file securely and keep the information in the file secret! Later you will populate a number of environment variables with values from this file. The environment variables are:


Create and configure consent screen

Select "OAuth consent screen" from the menu on the left.

  • Select user type = External
    • User type "Internal" is not available, a tooltip shows the reason
  • Click button "Create". This opens a new screen where you can configure the consent screen.
  • You only need to set the application name = PSS Dolores clone
    • You should probably invent a more unique name.
    • I recommend using the same name as the Google application name.
  • Click the button "Save"

Create OAuth client ID and credentials

Select "Credentials" from the menu on the left.

  • A new screen opens with a button "Create credentials" at the top.
  • Clicking the button opens a drop-down menu. Select the "OAuth client ID" menu entry. This entry exists only because you previously created and configured the consent screen.
  • Application type = Web application
  • Name = PSS Dolores clone
    • You should probably invent a more unique name.
    • I recommend using the same name as the Google application name.
  • Authorized JavaScript origins = http://localhost:8080
    • Note: Press Enter after typing the origin, otherwise the data will be silently discarded when you click "Create".
  • Authorized redirect URIs = http://localhost:8080/
    • Note: Press Enter after typing the URL, otherwise the data will be silently discarded when you click "Create".
  • Click the button "Create"

After creating the OAuth client ID, it shows up together with the service account in the credentials screen. The OAuth client ID line has a download link that lets you download a JSON file to your computer. Important: Store this JSON file securely and keep the information in the file secret! You need this file for the next step.

Note: Don't get confused - the OAuth client ID is not what you need to set the environment variable GDRIVE_SERVICE_CLIENT_ID with later on!

Authorize the application

In this step you authorize the application to access your Google account's Google Drive files. In addition to this section you may wish to read through the PyDrive quickstart guide (see link in the "References" section).

Important: Only if you have a remote system: You can't run the authorization on the remote system, you must do it locally, because the settings you used to configure the OAuth client ID refer to localhost (e.g. http://localhost:8080/ for the redirect URI).

These are the steps:

  • Install PyDrive if you haven't installed it yet:
python -m pip install --user pydrive
  • Create a temporary folder
  • Create a file named inside the temporary folder. Edit the file so that it has this content:
from pydrive.auth import GoogleAuth

gauth = GoogleAuth()
gauth.LocalWebserverAuth() # Creates local webserver and auto handles authentication.
  • Place a copy of the OAuth client ID JSON file (the one that you downloaded in the previous section) inside the temporary folder. Name the file client_secrets.json.
  • Run this command:
  • This opens a browser window where you can perform the authorization.
  • First select the Google account that should authorize the application.
  • The next screen is a big fat warning. This is displayed because the Google application you are about to authorize has not been verified by Google. Ignore the warning and proceed by clicking "Advanced", then click the link that is displayed at the bottom of the screen.
  • The next screen finally requests that you grant permission to the application for "See, edit, create, and delete all of your Google Drive files".
  • Click the button "Allow", then confirm your decision.

You can revoke access at any time in your Google account's security settings.

Add a stub file to Google Drive

Create and share folder

  • Manually create a folder in your Google account's Google Drive. The folder name does not matter.
  • Right-click on the folder name and select "Share" from the context menu.
  • Click "Advanced"
  • At the top of the dialog you see a "Link to share". Extract from this URL the folder's globally unique folder ID. Example sharing URL = In this example the folder ID is foobar.
    • Keep this information secret!
    • Later you will populate the environment variable GDRIVE_FOLDER_ID with this value.
  • Give read/write access to the folder to the Google application. You do this in the area where you can invite people, by entering the client email address of the service account you created earlier.
    • It's the same email address that you will put into the environment variable GDRIVE_SERVICE_CLIENT_EMAIL.
    • Example email address:
  • Uncheck "Notify people" - the email address is not valid anyway, so there's no point in sending an invite email.
  • Click the button "OK"

Create and add stub file

Create a JSON file with this content:

  "fleets" : [ ],
  "users" : [ ],
  "data" : [ ]

This is merely a stub file. A file with actual content must be created by another web service. Details are currently unknown.

Add the stub file the Google Drive folder you created in the previous section. The bot fails to start up if the folder does not contain this file. The file name must conform to the pattern pss-top-100_<timestamp>.json. Example:


The timestamp part must have this format pss-top-100_yyyymmdd-HHMMSS.json, where:

  • yyyy - year as 4 digits
  • mm = month of year as 2 digits
  • dd = day of month as 2 digits
  • HH = hours as 2 digits, in 24 hour format
  • MM = minutes as 2 digits
  • SS = seconds as 2 digits

The actual timestamp is based on the current date/time in UTC when the bot runs. The code that determines the timestamp part is the function __fix_filename_datetime in

  • Midnight of the first of the month of the current date
  • Minus 1 minute

Create a Discord application

You need to create a new Discord application. When your bot instance runs it will act as that application in order to join Discord servers and listen for commands sent by users of that server.

The starting point for creating the application is this URL:

Following are the important points where you have to fill in some information, or where you have to write down some information for later use. You can also follow the guide listed in the references section, it has pictures and a few more details.

  • Click "New Application"
  • App name = PSS Dolores clone
    • You should probably invent a more unique name.
    • I recommend using the same name for the Discord and the Google applications.
  • App icon = Select an appropriate avatar
  • Client ID = secret
    • The client ID is generated for you
    • Keep this information secret!
    • Later you will use this to craft the URL to invite the bot to your fleet Discord server.
  • Select "Bot" tab
  • Create the bot & confirm
  • Username = PSS Dolores clone
    • This will be the name under which the bot will be visible to Discord users.
    • You should probably invent a more unique name.
  • Set "Public Bot" = Disabled
    • Public bots can be added by anyone. By making the bot non-public, only you can join this bot to servers.
  • Bot Token = secret
    • The bot token is generated for you
    • Keep this information secret!
    • Later you will populate the environment variable DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN with this value.
  • Bot Permissions = 0
    • The default permissions value 0 means the bot will have whatever permissions the everyone role has when it joins the Discord server.
    • Later you will use this value to craft the URL to invite the bot to your fleet Discord server.

Fork and clone the GitHub repository

Use the GitHub web UI to fork the original GitHub repository listed in the references section.

Next, create a clone of your forked repo on your working machine. You can use HTTPS to do this, but I recommend using SSH because this allows you to commit and push changes back to GitHub directly from the working machine. This is required, for instance, if you want to merge upstream changes made in the original GitHub repo into your forked repo.

This is the command I used to clone the forked repo:

git clone

For this to work you'll have to configure your GitHub account with the public part of an SSH key. The private part of the SSH key must be either on the dev system, or if you're logged in remotely it must be forwarded by the SSH agent. See the OpenSSH wiki page how to create SSH keys and how to configure SSH so that the SSH agent forwards the private key.

Create and configure a Heroku Application

Connect Heroku account

Before you can do any Heroku-related operations on your working machine, you need to connect the working machine to your Heroku account.

Run this command:

heroku login

If your working machine is a local system, it pops up a browser where you can log into Heroku's web interface.

If your working machine is a remote machine, the command prints an URL to the console that you can copy&paste into the browser on your local system to perform the login.

The information that links the two accounts is stored in your user's home directory (e.g. ~/.netrc on Debian).

Create the Heroku application

Run these commands:

cd YaDc
heroku apps:create --region eu pss-dolores-clone


  • Select a different region if you don't want to run the bot in the EU region. Omitting the --region parameter runs the bot in the US.
  • I recommend that you use the same name for the Heroku application as for the Discord application.
  • If you already have an app that is set up, then you can reconnect a freshly cloned Git repo to the app with the following command: heroku git:remote -a pss-dolores-bot. In this case you obviously can skip the rest of the app configuration.

Provision a database

This command provisions the Heroku application with a PostgreSQL database:

heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql

The database scheme is created when the bot runs for the first time. This happens in, in the function init_db().

Configure the Heroku application

To configure the Heroku application you need to set a number of so-called config variables.

Important: The values you set here are very sensitive information! Treat them as you would treat one of your important passwords.

You can set a config variable either in Heroku's web interface, or via command line like this:

heroku config:set foo=bar

I recommend you set the config variables in Heroku's web interface so that the secret values don't leak. If you do choose the command line, then I recommend that you set the config variables with the help of a temporary shell script that you delete after use. Do not type each heroku config:set ... command interactively because the commands you type will get into your shell's history file where they might be visible to someone else on the system.

The following config variables need to be set:

  • DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN: Set this with the "Bot token" value that you received when you created your Discord application.
  • Extract the values for the following variables from the JSON file that you downloaded when you created the Google application's service account:
    • GDRIVE_SERVICE_PRIVATE_KEY. Important: The config variable must contain the actual newline characters. This means that when you get the "private_key" value from the JSON file, you must replace all occurrences of \n with real newlines.
  • GDRIVE_FOLDER_ID: Set this with the folder ID you determined when you created and shared the Google Drive folder.
  • GPAT: Set this with the "General purpose access token" value that you received from the PSS developer community. Note that the bot will start up without this token, so you don't need it in order to take your first steps.

Deploy the code into the Heroku Application container


This command deploys the current code:

 git push heroku master

Repeat this command whenever you have committed changes to your GitHub repository.

Start/stop the bot

Deploying the current code is fine and dandy, but the bot will not run unless the Heroku application is configured with at least 1 worker.

The following command configures such a worker. If the code has already been deployed, this command starts the bot.

heroku ps:scale worker=1

The following command removes the worker. If the bot is currently running this command will stop it.

heroku ps:scale worker=0

Configure the fleet's Discord server

TODO: Write more about permissions.

Run the bot on your working machine

Something like this:

python3 -m pip install --user -r requirements.txt
heroku local

Notes on the code

Use of GPAT

The GPAT is used, for instance, in

TOP_CAPTAINS_BASE_PATH = f'LadderService/ListUsersByRanking?accessToken={settings.GPAT}&from=1&to='

The TOP_CAPTAINS_BASE_PATH value is used to invoke get_data_from_path() in Other files where the GPAT is used:


Google Drive API

The Google Drive API is used in to create a TourneyData object, which is defined in

The code actually uses PyDrive, which is a wrapper to the Google-provided google-api-python-client: