About this page
The purpose of this page is to keep my notes about my dabblings into the Ruby progamming language. I doubt very much that this page is of any use to somebody besides myself. If you are not myself, you probably better look at one of the tutorials listed in the "References" section.
Why Ruby?
I started to get acquainted with the language to prepare myself for a job interview with a prospective future employer. Actually I have been interested in Ruby for a long time, but at some point in the past I had to decide whether to go down the Python or the Ruby road. At that time I decided for Python, mostly because I intended to become involved with the ISFDB project.
Introduction material:
- Ruby From Other Languages
- http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/documentation/ruby-from-other-languages/
- Ruby in Twenty Minutes
- http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/documentation/quickstart/
- Ruby Essentials
- http://www.techotopia.com/index.php/Ruby_Essentials
- Learning Ruby
- http://rubylearning.com/
- Ruby & Ruby on Rails tutorials
- http://www.meshplex.org/wiki/Ruby/Ruby_on_Rails_programming_tutorials
- Programming Ruby
- http://www.ruby-doc.org/docs/ProgrammingRuby/
- RoR
- Ruby on Rails
Open questions
- Indentation conventions?
Coding Ruby
First impressions
- Extensions can be written in C, much the same as in Python
- Const'ness is enforced by naming things with capital letters, not with a special keyword
- No preprocessor
- There is a garbage collector
- No formal variable declarations
- Everything is an object, there are no primitive types
- No
type, instead single characters are simply strings of length 1 - No pointers, no explicit references - everything is simply a reference to an object
- No
statement - No multiple inheritance - we are saved!
- Indentation is not relevant to the code structure
- Class member variables are private, full stop! Access is via methods only.
- Access to methods is regulated with
(same/similar as C++ and Java, but unlike Python) ==
corresponds toequals()
in Java, andequal?()
corresponds to==
Interactive shell
Ruby's interactive shell can be fired up like this:
Note that irb
has its own version that is different from the Ruby interpreter itself. For instance, on my Mac OS X 10.5 machine:
tharbad:~ --> irb --version irb 0.9.5(05/04/13) tharbad:~ --> ruby --version ruby 1.8.6 (2008-08-11 patchlevel 287) [universal-darwin9.0]
Executing a Ruby script
The script must have the executable bit set and contain a shebang at the top.
tharbad:~/ruby --> ls -l helloworld.rb -rwxr-xr-x 1 patrick staff 41 18 Jan 14:14 helloworld.rb tharbad:~/ruby --> cat helloworld.rb #!/usr/bin/env ruby puts("hello world")
Distinguishing between main program and library code
If you want to determine whether your script runs as the main program, or is executed as "library code", i.e. as part of some other program, then the following code fragment is useful:
if __FILE__ == $0 [...] end
Command line arguments
Variables are just references to objects. Variables do not need to be declared, they can be created just like that:
foo = "bar"
Ruby uses the value nil
to indicate that something has "no value". For instance:
foo = nil if foo.nil? # This is a specially named method [...] end
Flow control
if foo.nil? puts "it's got no value" elsif foo == 42 puts "it is forty-two" else puts "it is something else" end
If an object responds to the each
message it is something that can be iterated over, much like a traditional for...each loop:
foo = ["foo", "bar", "42"] foo.each do |element| puts("element is #{element}") end # Query an unknown if foo.responds_to?("each") foo.each do |element| puts("element is #{element}") end end
Use def
to start a function definition:
def f(foo = "foo", bar = "bar") puts foo + " " + bar end # Invoke the function: f("hello", "world") f() f
- There's no need to define a return value: Everything always has a return value
- If the function doesn't return an explicit value, it implicitly is
Strings are normal objects, and they are mutable.
foo = "bar"
Inserting something into a string works as in the following example. The object referenced by the variable is turned into a string and then inserted into the enclosing string. Optionally, the referenced object can be sent a message first and the result is then inserted.
foo = "world" puts("hello #{foo}") puts("Hello #{foo.capitalize()}")
Object orientation
Define a class like this:
class MyClass # Generates a getter "name()" and a setter "name=()" attr_accessor :name # The special name "initialize" is the class' constructor def initialize(name = "foo") # Prefixing a variable with "@" refers to an instance variable @name = name end # A regular instance method; public since we didn't specify anything else def printIt() puts(@name) end end
Instantiate the class and access its methods and attributes:
obj = MyClass.new() # This looks really great (although unaccustomed): new is not a keyword, it's just a message! obj = MyClass.new("bar") obj.printIt() puts(obj.name) # Invoke the getter puts(obj.name()) obj.name="foo" # Invoke the setter obj.name=("foo")
class MyClass [...] end obj = MyClass.new() obj.class() # Returns the object's class object MyClass.class() # Classes are also objects themselves; the class object here is "Class" MyClass.instance_methods() # Returns an array; includes instance methods of superclasses MyClass.instance_methods(false) # Don't inspect superclasses MyClass.instance_variables() # Returns an array obj.respond_to?("foo") # Does the object respond to this message? obj.is_a?(MyClass) # Requires a class object MyClass.is_a?(Class) # "Class" is the type that all class objects have Class.is_a?(Class) # Yes, the class object "Class" (first) is an instance of the class "Class" (second)
Eclipse and Ruby
RadRails can be used either as a plugin within the accustomed Eclipse IDE environment, or it can be installed as a standalone IDE. The update site for the plugin is
and the standalone installer can be downloaded from this location
Workspace configuration
Project configuration