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This page has information about my DSL configuration. Other pages with network configuration details are

In the page history there are older revisions of this page that show how the network was laid out and configured when a Linux machine still was in the household.

Device-independent information

These days the intranet consists of one single subnet:

There are no longer a DMZ, wired and wireless subnets.

Fritz Box


The notes in this section were collected for a Fritz!Box 7530.


Permit Access

  • Port Sharing (= port forwarding)
    • No ports are shared
  • FRITZ!Box Services
    • Internet access to the FRITZ!Box via HTTPS enabled = true
    • HTTPS port = 443

Under System > FRITZ!Box Users, users can be set up that can log in via HTTPS from the Internet. I like to configure an admin user with a random user ID and a very strong password. The user must have these rights:

  • Access from the Internet allowed
  • FRITZ!Box Settings

In order to log in you must know your current IP address. The URL to the web interface then looks like this:


Alternatively you can register with the MyFRITZ! service, which is a DynDNS service provided by AVM. Cf this help page.


Creating an answering machine device:

  • Attach an USB device (e.g. a USB stick)
  • Go to "Telephony > Answering Machine"
  • Enable the "Answering Machine" switch
  • Click the "settings" button
  • Accept call = 30 seconds (up from the default 20 seconds)
  • Recording length = 180 seconds (up from the default 60 seconds)
  • Send messages via email = true
  • Send to the email address = telefonbeantworter@moser-naef.ch
    • Password = SMTP authentication password
    • email user name = SMTP authentication user
  • SMTP server = smtp.herzbube.ch
  • Note that the web interface seems to have a bug: Once the SMTP details have been entered for the first time for the first answering machine device, they are not displayed and cannot be changed anymore in the "Answering machine" web interface. I was unable to get the settings back even by deleting and re-creating the answering machine, or by creating additional answering machines. The SMTP details can be changed, however, under "System > Push Service > Sender"

DECT phone interface to the answering machine

  • Dial **600 to connect to the answering machine device
  • From there you can listen to messages (the info LED on the Fritz!Box flashes when messages have newly arrived), or record a personal greeting message

Home Network

Devices and Users

  • Here it is possible to assign static IP addresses to devices, based on their MAC address.
  • Currently I don't use this capability.

Network settings > IP routes

  • Here it is possible to define static routes.
  • Currently I don't use this capability.


Disable all wireless networks like this:

  • Select "Wireless"
  • Under "Active frequency bands" uncheck all entries


Disable DECT like this:

  • Select "DECT > Base Station"
  • Uncheck "DECT base station enabled"

If you want to use a DECT handset:

  • Enable the base station
  • PIN = 0000 (should be preconfigured already)
  • Use the wizard to register the DECT handset, then configure it with these settings:
    • Call rejection on busy (busy on busy) = Enabled


  • System > Push Service
    • Fritz!Box Info = Enable
    • Frequency = monthly
      • Email address = fritzbox@herzbube.ch
    • Calls = Enable
      • For missed calls = Enable
      • Email address = verpassteanrufe@moser-naef.ch
    • Answering Machine = Enable
      • For missed calls = Enable
      • Email address = telefonbeantworter@moser-naef.ch
    • New FRITZ!OS = Enable
      • Email address = fritzbox@herzbube.ch
    • Forgot password = Enable
      • Email address = fritzbox@herzbube.ch
      • Note: It's not possible to change the email address in the "Forgot password" web interface - the email address is automatically taken from the SMTP settings
    • Change notice = Enable
      • Email address = fritzbox@herzbube.ch
  • System > Push Service > Sender
    • email address = fritzbox@herzbube.ch
    • Password = SMTP authentication password
    • email user name = SMTP authentication user
    • SMTP server = smtp.herzbube.ch
    • Port = 25 (the default port used here is the outdated port 465; also don't use port 587, our mail server uses StartTLS on the default incoming port 25)
    • This server supports secure connection = Enable
  • System > Fritz!Box Users > Login to the Home network
    • Login with the FRITZ!Box password = True
    • FRITZ!Box password = secret (I like to change the pre-configured semi-random password, which is written down on the bottom of the device, to a secure password that only I know)
  • System > Expert Mode > Show Expert Settings = Enabled
  • System > Language Settings = English