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The main purpose of this page is to track the books whose data I have entered into the The Internet Speculative Fiction Database (ISFDB). As a side-effect, the title listing also provides useful deep-links into the ISFDB records.

Note: I keep notes about my activities as an editor of the ISFDB on a separate page.

Publication list

Codes used in the "Special notes" column:

I am going to give away this book
I no longer own this book
Prices on back cover have been obscured and are illegible
OLD (yyyy)
Old book. The publication year is in paranthesis.
Advanced Reader Copy

Title Author Special notes
Witch World Andre Norton Estcarp 1/8
Web of the Witch World Andre Norton Estcarp 2/8
Three Against the Witch World Andre Norton Estcarp 3/8
Warlock of the Witch World Andre Norton Estcarp 4/8
Sorceress of the Witch World Andre Norton Estcarp 5/8
Trey of Swords Andre Norton Estcarp 6/8
Year of the Unicorn Andre Norton High Hallack 2/6
Spell of the Witch World Andre Norton First printing of the first book published by DAW. High Hallack 3/6.
The Crystal Gryphon Andre Norton DAW book. The Gryphon Saga 1/3.
The Crossroads of Time Andre Norton Blake Walker/Crosstime 2/2
The Stars are Ours Andre Norton Pax/Astra 1/2
Judgment on Janus Andre Norton Janus 1/2. Small interior art at the beginning of the book is mentioned in the pub notes but not recorded as a distinct title record.
The Time Traders Andre Norton Time Traders 1/7
Make Room! Make Room! Harry Harrison PRICE (U.K. price is barely legible as "35p" under a very bright light)
A Transatlantic Tunnel, Hurrah! Harry Harrison
Deathworld 1 Harry Harrison PRICE (back cover is heavily damaged)
Deathworld 2 Harry Harrison
Deathworld 3 Harry Harrison
Homeworld Harry Harrison
Wheelworld Harry Harrison
Starworld Harry Harrison
The Best of Harry Harrison Harry Harrison Collection
A Stainless Steel Rat Is Born Harry Harrison Copyright page has a different ISBN than all the rest of the book (spine, back cover, inside of front cover)
The Stainless Steel Rat Omnibus Harry Harrison Omnibus. Trade paperback
Hyperion Dan Simmons
The Fall of Hyperion Dan Simmons The title page sports something that looks like a signature of Dan Simmons. I can't remember where I got my copy from, but the book looks new'ish, so I guess the signature cannot be genuine.
Endymion Dan Simmons
The Rise of Endymion Dan Simmons
Song of Kali Dan Simmons
Fires of Eden Dan Simmons TRANSIENT
Ilium Dan Simmons Trade paperback. Gollancz Space Opera Collection.
Olympos Dan Simmons Cover artist was confirmed by Kraang who owns a hardcover copy that has the same cover art, but credits the artist on the dust jacket.
The Revenge of the Rose Michael Moorcock Example for a publication that can be distinguished from another publication only by price and a copyright page statement.
Hawkmoon Michael Moorcock Omnibus
Dancers at the End of Time Michael Moorcock Omnibus. Trade paperback
Elric von Melniboné: Die Sage vom Ende der Zeit Michael Moorcock Omnibus
Elric of Melniboné and Other Stories Michael Moorcock Collection. Trade paperback
Elric: The Fortress of the Pearl Michael Moorcock Trade paperback. Example for a publication that is of type NOVEL but collects essays alongside the actual novel content item.
Elric: The Sailor on the Seas of Fate Michael Moorcock Collection. Trade paperback
Elric: The Sleeping Sorceress Michael Moorcock Collection. Trade paperback
Elric: The Revenge of the Rose Michael Moorcock Collection. Trade paperback
Elric: Stormbringer! Michael Moorcock Trade paperback. Example for a publication that contains both a review and an essay for the same thing (the essay is used to record the title of the review as it appears in the publication).
Corum: The Prince in the Scarlet Robe Michael Moorcock Omnibus. Trade paperback
Corum: The Prince With the Silver Hand Michael Moorcock Omnibus. Trade paperback
Hawkmoon: Count Brass Michael Moorcock Omnibus. Trade paperback
Hawkmoon: The History of the Runestaff Michael Moorcock Omnibus. Trade paperback
The Cornelius Quartet Michael Moorcock Omnibus. Trade paperback
Jerry Cornelius: His Lives and His Times Michael Moorcock Collection. Trade paperback. Example where musical notes and lyrics are recorded as INTERIORART.
Von Bek Michael Moorcock Omnibus. Trade paperback
The Eternal Champion Michael Moorcock Omnibus. Trade paperback
Moorcock's Multiverse Michael Moorcock Omnibus. Trade paperback
The Nomad of Time Michael Moorcock Omnibus. Trade paperback
Travelling to Utopia Michael Moorcock Omnibus. Trade paperback
The Pirates of Zan Murray Leinster
The Best of Murray Leinster Murray Leinster Collection
Quarantine World Murray Leinster
A Case Of Conscience James Blish
Cities in Flight James Blish Omnibus
The Quincunx of Time James Blish Expanded version of a shorter work entitled "Bleep"
Anywhen James Blish
The Dreaming Tree C. J. Cherryh Omnibus. DAW book (DAW publication data not yet added)
The Pride of the Chanur C. J. Cherryh TRANSIENT
Chanur's Venture C. J. Cherryh TRANSIENT
Cyteen: The Betrayal C. J. Cherryh TRANSIENT
Downbelow Station C. J. Cherryh DAW book (older version of DAW publication data)
The Chanur Saga C. J. Cherryh Omnibus. DAW book
Chanur's Endgame C. J. Cherryh Omnibus. DAW book
Cyteen C. J. Cherryh Trade paperback
Alliance Space C. J. Cherryh Omnibus. DAW book
The Faded Sun C. J. Cherryh Omnibus. DAW book (newer version of DAW publication data)
Odd John Olaf Stapledon Why introduction author "Leslie G. Fiedler" in fact is "Leslie A. Fiedler": Wikipedia article, Undertaking Stapledon, both retrieved 28 July 2007
Sirius: A Fantasy of Love and Discord Olaf Stapledon Price appears on the front cover.
Last and First Men: Penguin edition and Gollancz edition Olaf Stapledon The Gollancz edition is a trade paperback and is published in the Space Opera Collection.
Gateway Frederik Pohl
Beyond the Blue Event Horizon Frederik Pohl
Heechee Rendezvous Frederik Pohl Prologue begins on page ix, chapter 1 on page 1
The Annals of the Heechee Frederik Pohl
Man Plus Frederik Pohl Trade paperback
Jem Frederik Pohl Trade paperback
The Age of the Pussyfoot Frederik Pohl
Digits and Dastards Frederik Pohl Collection
In the Problem Pit Frederik Pohl Collection
Survival Kit Frederik Pohl Collection
The Gold at the Starbow's End Frederik Pohl Collection
The Space Merchants Frederik Pohl
C. M. Kornbluth
Trade paperback. ISBN-13 on copyright page has wrong check digit.
Wolfbane Frederik Pohl
C. M. Kornbluth
Gladiator-at-Law Frederik Pohl
C. M. Kornbluth
Critical Mass Frederik Pohl
C. M. Kornbluth
Before the Universe Frederik Pohl
C. M. Kornbluth
Search the Sky Frederik Pohl
C. M. Kornbluth
The Syndic C. M. Kornbluth
The Starchild Trilogy Frederik Pohl
Jack Williamson
Omnibus (multiple authors). Trade paperback. The 3 novels in this omnibus appear in the reverse order in which they were written
Tiger! Tiger! Alfred Bester
The Light Fantastic Alfred Bester Collection
Star Light, Star Bright Alfred Bester PRICE. Collection
Virtual Unrealities: The Short Fiction of Alfred Bester Alfred Bester Collection
Redemolished Alfred Bester Collection. Trade paperback. Example where the author of an essay is not recorded in the ISFDB as it is written on the title page ("Gregory S. Benford"). See this discussion.
The Demolished Man Alfred Bester
Golem 100 Alfred Bester
The Gray Prince Jack Vance
The Languages of Pao Jack Vance
Maske: Thaery Jack Vance
Night Lamp Jack Vance
Ports of Call Jack Vance
Lurulu Jack Vance
The Blue World Jack Vance
Alastor Jack Vance Omnibus
Planet of Adventure Jack Vance Omnibus
The Demon Princes: Volume One Jack Vance Omnibus
The Demon Princes: Volume Two Jack Vance Omnibus
Tales of the Dying Earth Jack Vance Collection
Araminta Station Jack Vance
Ecce And Old Earth Jack Vance
Throy Jack Vance
Showboat World Jack Vance ISFDB cover scan shows cover artist signature in bottom-right corner, but the cover of my book does not have this signature probably because the cover has been cut differently.
To Live Forever Jack Vance
The Five Gold Bands Jack Vance Example for "Imprint / Publisher"
The Dragon Masters Jack Vance Chapterbook
The Narrow Land Jack Vance
Emphyrio Jack Vance
Nopalgarth Jack Vance Omnibus. DAW book
The Anome Jack Vance
The Brave Free Men Jack Vance
The Asutra Jack Vance
Lyonesse: Suldrun's Garden Jack Vance Example for (uncredited) interior art that is mentioned in the publication notes only (i.e. no interior art titles)
Lyonesse: Green Pearl Jack Vance
Lyonesse: Madouc Jack Vance
Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West Gregory Maguire
The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Douglas Adams Omnibus. Trade paperback
The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul Douglas Adams
Singularity Sky Charles Stross
The Yiddish Policemen's Union Michael Chabon
The Stars In Shroud Gregory Benford Examples for 1) Interior art attributed to author "uncredited", and 2) Afterword-like essay
Timescape Gregory Benford Number line that contains both printing numbers and years
Artifact / Cosm / Eater Gregory Benford Omnibus. Trade paperback
The Sirens of Titan Kurt Vonnegut
Kurt Vonnegut: Novels & Stories 1963-1973 Kurt Vonnegut Omnibus. Hardcover. The Library of America 216. Editor: Sidney Offit
Doomsday Book Connie Willis
Impossible Things Connie Willis Collection
The Man in the High Castle Philip K. Dick TRANSIENT. Special number line for Vintage books
Four Novels of The 1960s Philip K. Dick Omnibus. Hardcover. The Library of America 173. Editor: Jonathan Lethem
Martian Time-Slip Philip K. Dick Trade paperback
Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said Philip K. Dick Trade paperback
The Penultimate Truth Philip K. Dick Trade paperback
Minority Report Philip K. Dick Trade paperback
A Maze of Death Philip K. Dick Trade paperback
Eye in the Sky Philip K. Dick
The Silicon Man Charles Platt
A Mirror for Observers Edgar Pangborn
Strangers Gardner Dozois
The Guardian of Isis Monica Hughes
Planet of the Apes Pierre Boulle
The Jonah Kit Ian Watson
The Embedding Ian Watson The pub record has this note: "The artist is not credited, most of Lehr's signature is visible on the artwork [cut off bottom right]". I cannot see the signature even with a magnifying glass (or maybe I don't recognize it).
The Godwhale T. J. Bass
No Enemy But Time Michael Bishop Example for a book with a real introductory "Author's note"
Transfigurations Michael Bishop Hardcover. First British edition, first printing.
Tik-Tok John Sladek
Shambleau C. L. Moore Collection. This is a reprint of the 1961 revised edition of the 1953 collection Shambleau And Others, in which the eponymous short story and others of the Northwest Smith series were first assembled. The 1961 revised edition drops the story "Jirel Meets Magic".
Jirel of Joiry C. L. Moore Collection
Jirel of Joiry / Northwest of Earth / Judgment Night C. L. Moore Omnibus. Trade paperback
No Boundaries Henry Kuttner
C. L. Moore
Mutant Henry Kuttner Collection. Hardcover. The collection consists of a frame story that connects 5 novelettes. The text is divided into 6 chapters titled "Chapter 1", "Chapter 2", etc. (in other publications titles may be different, e.g. "One", "Two", etc.). Chapters 1-5 begin with text from the frame story that introduces the novelette, followed by a distinct novelette title and the actual novelette text. The Page field for the novelette content items has the page number on which the novelette title appears (i.e. not the page on which the surrounding chapter begins). Chapter 6 consists of only frame story text and is not recorded as content item at all.
Fury / Mutant / The Best of Henry Kuttner Henry Kuttner Omnibus. Trade paperback. For "Mutant", see the notes above.
The New Adam Stanley G. Weinbaum
Picnic on Paradise Joanna Russ Example for an Ace book with a catalog# instead of an ISBN
The Female Man Joanna Russ Trade paperback. Example with a distinct title record for the short epigraph. This is rather unusual, epigraphs are normally not recorded.
Dreamsnake Vonda N. McIntyre The price tag of the 2nd hand bookshop I bought this book from was glued over the price information printed on the back cover. When I tried to remove the price tag, the British price information was torn away together with the tag. The price 95p was still discernible, though, when I looked at the shreds of the price tag.
The Time Ships Stephen Baxter Example for a book with two fictional content items ("Editor's Note", and a "Prologue") and 4 pieces of interior art.
Raft Stephen Baxter Trade paperback. Xeelee 1.
Vacuum Diagrams Stephen Baxter Collection. Xeelee 5. Ironically contains an excerpt of itself.
Chiron Stephen Baxter Short story in a Chapbook. Number 312 of 400.
Dangerous Visions: 35th Anniversary Edition Harlan Ellison Anthology. Trade paperback. Example for page count that combines Roman and Arabic numeral page numbers ("xliii+544")
Again, Dangerous Visions: Book 1 Harlan Ellison Anthology. Example for interior art by a single artist.
Again, Dangerous Visions: Book 2 Harlan Ellison Anthology. Example for interior art by a single artist. PRICE (U.K. price is barely legible as "80p" under a very bright light)
Galaxy: Volume 1 Frederik Pohl
Martin H. Greenberg
Joseph D. Olander
Anthology. Example for an anthology where (almost) each story has an introductory memoir that has been recorded by ISFDB as a separate title
Galaxy: Volume 2 Frederik Pohl
Martin H. Greenberg
Joseph D. Olander
Anthology. Ditto "Galaxy: Volume 1"
The Astounding-Analog Reader, Book 1 Harry Harrison
Brian W. Aldiss
PRICE. Anthology
The Astounding-Analog Reader, Book 2 Harry Harrison
Brian W. Aldiss
PRICE. Anthology
Prologue to Analog John W. Campbell Anthology
Analog One John W. Campbell PRICE (but another primary verifier has added these prices: United Kingdom 3/6; Australia A$0.60; New Zealand NZ$0.45 (4/6); South Africa ZAR0.45). Anthology
Analog Two John W. Campbell PRICE. Anthology
Analog 3 John W. Campbell PRICE. Anthology
Nebula Award Stories 2 James Gunn Anthology
Nebula Award Stories 10 James Gunn PRICE. Anthology
Best SF Stories from New Worlds 5 Michael Moorcock Anthology
New Worlds 8: The Science Fiction Quarterly Hilary Bailey Anthology. This is an original anthology: After the New Worlds magazine was discontinued, it was revived again as "New Worlds Quarterly" for 10 issues, published in paperback form. This is issue #8. See the SFE entry for New Worlds.
Bug-Eyed Monsters Anthony Cheetham Anthology
Interfaces Ursula K. Le Guin
Virginia Kidd
The Year's Best Science Fiction No. 1 Harry Harrison
Brian Aldiss
Anthology. Example with an introduction that is a variant title of the same introduction that appeared in a publication with a different name.
The Year's Best Science Fiction No. 6 Harry Harrison
Brian Aldiss
Anthology. Example with cartoons and poems. Also has an introduction with a suffix that does not match the publication name ("Introduction (Best SF: 1972)"), which is an alternative solution to the variant-title approach used in vol. 1 + 7 of the series.
The Year's Best Science Fiction No. 7 Harry Harrison
Brian Aldiss
The Year's Best Science Fiction No. 9 Harry Harrison
Brian Aldiss
Anthology. Hardcover. First edition, first printing. The book is accompanied with a paper slip saying that it is a review copy.
Grand Master's Choice Andre Norton Anthology
Star Science Fiction Stories No. 2 Frederik Pohl Anthology
The Eight Galaxy Reader Frederik Pohl Anthology
The Ninth Galaxy Reader Frederik Pohl Anthology
The Eleventh Galaxy Reader Frederik Pohl Anthology. Hardcover
The Third Galaxy Reader H. L. Gold Anthology. Example where printing and publishing date are different.
Born of the Sun: Adventures in Our Solar System Mike Ashley Anthology. Trade paperback. Example of an anthology where the individual story introductions by the editor are recorded as separate titles.
The Mammoth Book of Extreme Science Fiction Mike Ashley Anthology. Trade paperback
The Mammoth Book of Science Fiction Mike Ashley Anthology. Trade paperback
The Mammoth Book of Best New Science Fiction: 19th Annual Collection Gardner Dozois Anthology. Trade paperback
The Mammoth Book of Best New SF 27 Gardner Dozois Anthology. Trade paperback
The Mammoth Book of Best New SF 28 Gardner Dozois Anthology. Trade paperback
The Mammoth Book of Contemporary SF Masters Gardner Dozois Anthology. Trade paperback
The Mammoth Book of Modern Science Fiction: Short Novels of the 1980s Isaac Asimov
Martin H. Greenberg
Charles G. Waugh
Anthology. Trade paperback
The Mammoth Book of Fantastic Science Fiction: Short Novels of the 1970s Isaac Asimov
Martin H. Greenberg
Charles G. Waugh
Anthology. Trade paperback
The Mammoth Book of New World Science Fiction: Short Novels of the 1960s Isaac Asimov
Martin H. Greenberg
Charles G. Waugh
Anthology. Trade paperback
The Mammoth Book of Vintage Science Fiction: Short Novels of the 1950s Isaac Asimov
Martin H. Greenberg
Charles G. Waugh
Anthology. Trade paperback
The Mammoth Book of Golden Age Science Fiction: Short Novels of the 1940s Isaac Asimov
Martin H. Greenberg
Charles G. Waugh
Anthology. Hardcover
The Mammoth Book of Short Science Fiction Novels Isaac Asimov
Martin H. Greenberg
Charles G. Waugh
Anthology. Trade paperback
100 Great Science Fiction Short Short Stories Isaac Asimov
Martin H. Greenberg
Joseph D. Olander
PRICE. Anthology
The Mammoth Book of Steampunk Adventures Sean Wallace Anthology. Trade paperback
The World of Null-A A. E. van Vogt Trade paperback
Destination: Universe! A. E. van Vogt Collection
The Far-Out Worlds of A. E. Van Vogt A. E. van Vogt Collection
Rite of Passage Alexei Panshin Trade paperback
Stone Adam Roberts Trade paperback. Gollancz Space Opera Collection.
The Centauri Device M. John Harrison Trade paperback. Gollancz Space Opera Collection.
J. R. R. Tolkien: A Biography Humphrey Carpenter Nonfiction
Tolkien: A Biography Michael White Nonfiction
The Road to Middle-Earth Tom Shippey Nonfiction
The Letters of J. R. R. Tolkien Humphrey Carpenter Nonfiction
Tolkien and the Silmarils Randel Helms Hardcover. Nonfiction
The Monsters and the Critics and Other Essays J. R. R. Tolkien
Christopher Tolkien (editor)
J. R. R. Tolkien: Artist & Illustrator Wayne G. Hammond
Christina Scull
Hardcover. Nonfiction
The Lord of the Rings: A Reader's Companion Wayne G. Hammond
Christina Scull
Hardcover. Nonfiction. Two colored frontispieces.
The Lord of the Rings J. R. R. Tolkien De luxe hardcover edition on india paper
The Silmarillion J. R. R. Tolkien De luxe hardcover edition in slipcase. Two colored frontispieces.
The Hobbit J. R. R. Tolkien
The Hobbit J. R. R. Tolkien Hardcover
Unfinished Tales of Númenor and Middle-earth J. R. R. Tolkien Hardcover
The Book of Lost Tales: Part I J. R. R. Tolkien
Christopher Tolkien
Tree and Leaf J. R. R. Tolkien First edition. On the title page there is what looks like Tolkien's signature, but is merely a printed facsimile. See this web page for details.
Farmer Giles of Ham / The Adventures of Tom Bombadil J. R. R. Tolkien PRICE. Collection
Bored of the Rings Henry N. Beard
Douglas C. Kenney
Neuromancer William Gibson Trade paperback
Count Zero William Gibson Trade paperback
Mona Lisa Overdrive William Gibson Trade paperback
Burning Chrome William Gibson Collection. Trade paperback
The Difference Engine William Gibson
Bruce Sterling
Collection. Trade paperback.
Schismatrix Plus Bruce Sterling Omnibus. Trade paperback. "Chronology" is recorded with title type "essay" and not "short fiction", even though the content is fictional - I originally wanted to change the title type to "short fiction", but then didn't because it's probably a border case and not important anyway. Example for page count that combines Roman and Arabic numeral and unnumbered page numbers ("viii+319+[2]"). The page number of the "Chronology" title is given with brackets (i.e. "[321]" not "321") because the page is unnumbered.
The Last Legends of Earth A. A. Attanasio
The Status Civilization / Mindswap Robert Sheckley
Store of the Worlds: The Stories of Robert Sheckley Robert Sheckley Collection. Trade paperback.
Where the Ships Die William C. Dietz
The Amtrak Wars Book I: Cloud Warrior Patrick Tilley
Dark Universe Daniel F. Galouye
The Lost Perception Daniel F. Galouye Hardcover. SFBC UK #115.
The Web Between the Worlds Charles Sheffield
Cold As Ice Charles Sheffield
Convergent Series Charles Sheffield Heritage Universe 1+2/5. Omnibus. First printing of paperback edition. The pub record is missing the publisher's note on the back cover: "Convergent Series was previously published in parts as Summertide and Divergence, and has been revised for this first unitary edition.". A similar publisher's note exists for "Transvergence".
Transvergence Charles Sheffield Heritage Universe 3+4/5. Omnibus. There is an uncredited map on an unnumbered page before page 1 which is currently not recorded in ISFDB, title "The Territories of the Principal Clades of the Local Arm. All Boundaries Are Approximate.". The credits printed on the map are to a fictional character: "Taken from the private note-books of Captain Alonzo Wilberforce Sloane (retired). All Rights Reserved."
The Winds of Altair Ben Bova Cover artist is not credited but a signature exists and the artist is recognizable, both from the signature and from the artistic style (it's Boris Vallejo). This book is also special because the novel has been rewritten from an earlier version that appeared as a juvenile.
Time and Again Jack Finney
Brave New World Aldous Huxley
Nineteen Eighty-Four George Orwell
The Day of the Triffids: Older Penguin edition and Newer Penguin edition John Wyndham Newer Penguin edition: Trade paperback
The Midwich Cuckoos John Wyndham Trade paperback. ISFDB has another first printing of the same edition, but my book has a different ISBN.
The Chrysalids John Wyndham Trade paperback
The Kraken Wakes John Wyndham Trade paperback
The Valley of Spiders H. G. Wells Collection. Example where the story name in the TOC ("The Inexperienced Ghost") is different from the heading on the page where the story actually begins ("The Story of the Inexperienced Ghost").
The War of the Worlds H. G. Wells Cover artist is not credited but a signature exists in the lower-right corner of the front cover; artist has not been identified yet.
The Invisible Man H. G. Wells Trade paperback
The First Men in the Moon H. G. Wells Trade paperback
The Time Machine H. G. Wells This is a simplified version of the novel (title page states "Simplified by Michael West") which I did not record in ISFDB. This is a book I still have from my school times - on pages 102-108 it contains reading comprehension questions. It might be possible to add this to the ISFDB under this publication series.
A Canticle For Leibowitz Walter M. Miller, Jr.
Dark Benediction Walter M. Miller, Jr. Example where the author name appears with slightly different punctuation in the publication ("Walter M. Miller Jr", i.e. no comma before, and no period after, "Jr"), but this is not recorded as a variant title because the ISFDB guidelines say that this should be regularized.
Illuminatus! Robert Anton Wilson
Robert Shea
The Earth Will Shake Robert Anton Wilson
The Widow's Son Robert Anton Wilson
Interview with the Vampire Anne Rice Example for a printing history on the copyright page that is not a number line, but instead enumerates all printings together with the year they were made.
The Vampire Lestat Anne Rice
The Queen of the Damned Anne Rice
The Tale of the Body Thief Anne Rice Example where the printing is assumed from a not-entirely-clear statement on the copyright page.
Who Fears the Devil Manly Wade Wellman PRICE. Collection
The Incredible Shrinking Man Richard Matheson Collection. Contains the novel of the same name. Also present is the short story "Duel" which is the basis of the Steven Spielberg movie of the same name.
I Am Legend Richard Matheson Trade paperback
The Shores of Space Richard Matheson Collection
The Best of Richard Matheson Richard Matheson Collection. Trade paperback.
The Rats James Herbert
The Silence of the Lambs (reference to title record) Thomas Harris ISFDB only has a title record for this because it won the Stoker award, but the novel is considered non-genre and therefore no publications are recorded. This used to be my verified pub record.
The Eyes of Heisenberg Frank Herbert
The Jesus Incident Frank Herbert My copy of the book is in bad shape and the cover is faded (probably by exposure to sunlight for a long period of time) - compared to the ISFDB cover scan this is not an art variation.
Dune Frank Herbert Hardcover. Part of a numbered publication series (Gollancz SF Masterworks #71)
The Road to Science Fiction: Volume 1: From Gilgamesh to Wells James Gunn Anthology. Trade paperback. Publication is undated, but has ISBN-13, so it's probably not a 1st printing. Example for an anthology with entries that are excerpts from larger texts. SFRevu review.
The Road to Science Fiction: Volume 2: From Wells to Heinlein James Gunn Anthology. Trade paperback. SFRevu review.
The Road to Science Fiction: Volume 3: From Heinlein to Here James Gunn Anthology. Trade paperback. SFRevu review.
The Road to Science Fiction: Volume 4: From Here to Forever James Gunn Anthology. Trade paperback. SFRevu review.
The Road to Science Fiction Volume 5: The British Way James Gunn Anthology. Trade paperback
The Road to Science Fiction Volume 6: Around the World James Gunn Anthology. Trade paperback
Inside Science Fiction James Gunn Nonfiction. Trade paperback
Henry Martin L. Neil Smith PRICE
The Reality Dysfunction Peter F. Hamilton
The Neutronium Alchemist Peter F. Hamilton
The Naked God Peter F. Hamilton
The Man Who Used the Universe Alan Dean Foster Example for a note that explains that publication date was taken from Amazon.com
The Tar-Aiym Krang Alan Dean Foster Pip & Flinx 2
Mid-Flinx Alan Dean Foster Pip & Flinx 7
Bloodhype Alan Dean Foster First NEL paperback edition. Pip & Flinx 13.
... Who Needs Enemies Alan Dean Foster Collection. Example where the title page has a different title than the cover and spine (it omits the ellipsis).
Phylogenesis Alan Dean Foster The Founding of the Commonwealth 1
Dirge Alan Dean Foster The Founding of the Commonwealth 1
The Howling Stones Alan Dean Foster Humanx Commonwealth 11
A Call to Arms Alan Dean Foster The Damned 1
The False Mirror Alan Dean Foster The Damned 2
The Spoils of War Alan Dean Foster The Damned 3
Season of the Spellsong Alan Dean Foster Omnibus. Hardcover. Example of a publication with a gutter code. Spellsinger 1-3.
Dragonflight Anne McCaffrey
Dragonquest Anne McCaffrey Contains the appendix "Dragondex" which is credited on the copyright page. Subsequent publications of the same title, and also publications of other titles in the Pern series, contain a different version of the "Dragondex". All these publications contain the same credit line on the copyright page, which might create the impression that it's always the same "Dragondex" title, but in fact the "Dragondex" has been growing over the years, and publications just reproduce a snapshot of how the "Dragondex" looked at the time of publication. It is totally unclear which versions have been published, and therefore it is also unclear how the ISFDB should keep track of different "Dragondex" title records. Of the following different solutions that I see, I personally prefer solution 2. 1) Do not keep any title records at all, just mention the "Dragondex" in publication records where it appears. 2) Keep a single title record, with notes on the difficulties of keeping track of a serious publication history. Include that title record in publication records where the "Dragondex" appear. 3) Create a different title record for every publication record that is known to contain the "Dragondex". 4) Create a different title record for every Pern title that is known to contain the "Dragondex" (equivalent to the scheme used for the Bob Porter map, see below). Also see the author page 58221.
The White Dragon Anne McCaffrey Contains a map credited to Bob Porter on the copyright page. This has similar problems as the "Dragondex" mentioned above, although one can hope that there are not that many versions of the map as there are of the "Dragondex", because the map is a drawn artwork that is probably not revised as much as the written "Dragondex". The ISFDB at the moment has different title records for the map for every title that it appears in (e.g. "Dragonquest (map)", "The White Dragon (map)", etc.). This is a good solution as long as all publications of the same Pern title use the same version of the map. The solution breaks down, however, if a publisher decides to print an updated version of the map in newer publications of the same title.
Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern Anne McCaffrey
Nerilka's Story & The Coelura Anne McCaffrey
Dragonsdawn Anne McCaffrey
The Renegades of Pern Anne McCaffrey
All the Weyrs of Pern Anne McCaffrey
Dragonsong Anne McCaffrey
Dragonsinger Anne McCaffrey
Dragondrums Anne McCaffrey
Nimisha's Ship Anne McCaffrey This Corgi publication from 1999 has a number line in addition to the detailed printing history. Earlier Corgi publications (notably the other Pern books with printing histories up to 1993) do not have a number line, just the printing history.
The Call of Cthulhu and Other Weird Stories H. P. Lovecraft Trade paperback
The Thing on the Doorstep and Other Weird Stories H. P. Lovecraft Trade paperback
The Dreams in the Witch House and Other Weird Stories H. P. Lovecraft Trade paperback
The New Annotated H. P. Lovecraft: Beyond Arkham Howard Phillips Lovecraft Hardcover. Collection.
The Enlarged Devil's Dictionary Ambrose Bierce Trade paperback. Nonfiction.
The Complete Short Stories of Ambrose Bierce Ambrose Bierce Trade paperback
Xanadu Jane Yolen Anthology
Earth Abides George R. Stewart Trade paperback. The only SF work by this author.
Young Miles Lois McMaster Bujold Omnibus. Publisher Baen explicitly states the publication date of this fourth printing on the copyright page.
Watership Down Richard Adams Price is barely legible as "95p". Publication record notes have an alternative statement by Mhhutchins how the publication date is derived from the printing history on the copyrighth page.
Beauty: A Retelling of the Story of Beauty and the Beast Robin McKinley No number line, printing and publication date is derived from the price information, as compared to what Locus states about the price of the first printing.
Legends: Volume 2 Robert Silverberg Contains many interior art titles (frontispiece, maps, general interior art); also has a lot of credits besides any statements on the copyright page (special acknowledgements page, signatures on interior art)
Legends: Volume 3 Robert Silverberg Ditto.
Strange Dreams Stephen R. Donaldson Anthology
The Year's Best Fantasy Stories: 7 Arthur W. Saha Anthology. DAW book. Example with an uncredited but signed frontispiece.
Dragon Fantastic Rosalind M. Greenberg
Martin H. Greenberg
Anthology. DAW Book
Dinosaur Fantastic Mike Resnick
Martin H. Greenberg
Anthology. DAW Book. One story listed with a wrong page number in the table of contents
Catfantastic IV Andre Norton
Martin H. Greenberg
Anthology. DAW Book
Witch Fantastic Mike Resnick
Martin H. Greenberg
Anthology. DAW Book. Author name is misprinted on the first page of the story.
The Chronicles of Narnia C. S. Lewis Hardcover edition in slipcase. Contains special material (separate map, foldout timeline) and essays that are uncredited excerpts from another book. Example for a general interior art title.
Out of the Silent Planet C. S. Lewis Trade paperback
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Lewis Carroll Trade paperback
Through the Looking-Glass Lewis Carroll Trade paperback
The Hunting of the Snark Lewis Carroll Chapterbook. Trade paperback
Death Is a Lonely Business Ray Bradbury
The Illustrated Man Ray Bradbury Panther book, first printing (i.e. no reprint statements)
The Machineries of Joy Ray Bradbury
The Martian Chronicles Ray Bradbury Example for a publishing series
Something Wicked This Way Comes Ray Bradbury
The Small Assassin Ray Bradbury Panther book, first printing (i.e. no reprint statements)
The October Country: Grafton edition and Earthlight edition Ray Bradbury The Earthlight edition is nicer (it has a foreword and interior art) and includes all of the stories in the Grafton edition, except for "The Traveler". The 2nd hand bookshop where I bought the Earthlight edition has glued a tag over the price information and the cover artist credits printed on the back cover. Removing the tag was only a partial success, so that the British price £5.99 is now barely legible, but the cover artist is still obscured.
Fahrenheit 451 Ray Bradbury Trade paperback
The Dream Master Roger Zelazny Panther book, first printing (i.e. no reprint statements), catalog no instead of an ISBN
Lord of Light Roger Zelazny Trade paperback
The Great Book of Amber: The Complete Amber Chronicles 1-10 Roger Zelazny Omnibus. Trade paperback
Doorways in the Sand Roger Zelazny Hardcover. Gutter code "G 28" on page 180 identifies this as the first printing (according to notes in ISFDB pub record).
This Immortal Roger Zelazny Trade Paperback
The Best of Roger Zelazny Roger Zelazny Collection. Trade paperback.
The Forgotten Beasts of Eld Patricia A. McKillip
Riddle-Master Patricia A. McKillip Omnibus. Trade paperback
Watchtower Elizabeth A. Lynn Trade paperback. Example for a publication with a fictional content item (an essay) and two interior art titles, all three of which are only mentioned in the pub notes but do not appear as distinct title records.
The Dancers of Arun Elizabeth A. Lynn Trade paperback
The Northern Girl Elizabeth A. Lynn Trade paperback
Magician Raymond E. Feist The following list tries to enumerate and describe the different versions of maps that appear in the publications by Raymond E. Feist that I own. In all of the pubs there is not a single credit or signature that would allow attribution to an artist. The situation on ISFDB is difficult: Unfortunately I have decided to add title records for the maps to my pubs, but I could not bring myself to add a different title for each of the map versions I am enumerating here - it would have seemed a bit excessive. In hindsight, I should probably have mentioned the maps only in the pub notes, since now the ISFDB records a state that is not really accurate. To make things more difficult, other people did add title records for different map versions, but I am unable to match those title records to the maps I have in my publications. Clearing up the situation would require quite a bit of effort: Put up scans of the different map versions on my website and ask editors which version they have in their publications. So far I have dodged this duty...
  • The map of Midkemia that appears in "Magician" is the same as in "The King's Buccaneer" (v1). A distinguishing feature is that it uses a fancy medieval-style font. Almost the same map (v2) appears in "Shadow of a Dark Queen", "Rise of a Merchant Prince" and "Shards of a Broken Crown"; it differs from v1 only by using a slightly different but still medieval-style font, and having location names placed slightly differently (example: "Vale of Dreams"). A third version (v3) of the map of Midkemia is in "Silverthorn": Its style is totally different from v1 and v2, e.g. it uses a plain font, and terrain features such as woods and mountains are drawn differently.
  • The map of Kelewan that appears in "Magician" (v1) has the same style as the v1 map of Midkemia (e.g. fancy medieval-style font, terrain features are drawn the same). Another map of Kelewan (v2) with totally different style appears in Daughter of the Empire; this map resembles in style the v2 map of Midkemia.
  • Slightly different versions of a map of Novindus appear in "The King's Buccaneer" (v1), "Shadow of a Dark Queen" (v2) and "Rise of a Merchant Prince" (v3). The all use the same fancy medieval-style font as the v1 map of Midkemia, and they are all largely the same. There are some differences, though: 1) The title of v1 looks as if it was misspelled "Novinous" because the letter that is supposed to be "d" looks like it's an "o". In contrast, the letters "d" and "o" in v2 and v3 are clearly different. 2) v1 is drawn with finer details, while v2 and v3 look rather crude, as if they had been drawn with too much ink. 3) v1 and v3 are printed with a white background, v2 is printed with a dark background.
  • There are no maps in "A Darkness at Sethanon" and "Prince of the Blood"
Silverthorn Raymond E. Feist
A Darkness at Sethanon Raymond E. Feist
Prince of the Blood Raymond E. Feist
The King's Buccaneer Raymond E. Feist
Daughter of the Empire Raymond E. Feist
Janny Wurts
Shadow of a Dark Queen Raymond E. Feist
Rise of a Merchant Prince Raymond E. Feist
Rage of a Demon King Raymond E. Feist
Shards of a Broken Crown Raymond E. Feist The essay "The World of Midkemia" is not credited to a person, there is only a copyright statement on the copyright page. The title record for the essay therefore is attributed to the usual pseudo author "uncredited".
Faerie Tale Raymond E. Feist Cover artist is not credited but a signature exists on the front cover; artist has not been identified yet.
Inverted World Christopher Priest Trade Paperback. Part of an unnumbered publication series (Gollancz SF Masterworks (II))
The Prestige Christopher Priest Trade Paperback
Fugue for a Darkening Island Christopher Priest
Grass Sheri S. Tepper Trade Paperback. Part of an unnumbered publication series (Gollancz SF Masterworks (II))
The Gate To Women's Country Sheri S. Tepper Trade Paperback. Part of an unnumbered publication series (Gollancz SF Masterworks (II)). Can be distinguished from another first printing only by the copyright statement "Printed in Italy by Elcograf S.p.A." and the fact that my book copy has no price.
Beauty Sheri S. Tepper Trade Paperback
The Steel of Raithskar Randall Garrett Copyright page has a different ISBN than all the rest of the book (front and back cover, spine)
Lord Darcy Investigates Randall Garrett Collection
Too Many Magicians Randall Garrett
Murder and Magic Randall Garrett Collection
Ten Little Wizards Michael Kurland
Assassin's Apprentice Robin Hobb Example for map and excerpt mentioned only in pub notes.
Royal Assassin Robin Hobb
Assassin's Quest Robin Hobb Moved verification to another pub record in 2024. The original verification was from 2012-10-31.
The First Book of Lankhmar Fritz Leiber Omnibus, consisting of novels and collections. Trade paperback
The Second Book of Lankhmar Fritz Leiber Omnibus, consisting of novels and collections. Trade paperback
The Wanderer Fritz Leiber
Conjure Wife Fritz Leiber
The Best of Fritz Leiber Fritz Leiber Collection
Tarzan of the Apes Edgar Rice Burroughs Book with no price information.
A Princess of Mars Edgar Rice Burroughs Ballantine book with a catalog number instead of an ISBN, which includes the full printing history on the copyright page. Apparently Ballantine issued each new printing with a new catalog number. Also interesting: Pagination switches from Roman to Arabic numerals without restarting at page 1.
Stories of Mars Edgar Rice Burroughs Omnibus. Trade paperback.
Magic Kingdom For Sale - Sold! Terry Brooks Example for a book with content titles that appear at a handcounted page number
The Black Unicorn Terry Brooks
Wizard at Large Terry Brooks
The Tangle Box Terry Brooks Example for a book with uncredited cover artist, but credits taken from a secondary verification source (Locus1 in this case)
The Grey Mane of Morning Joy Chant
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell Susanna Clarke Example of a book where the same printing (1st printing in this case) was issued with two different covers by the same artist (difference is only in the background color).
Daggerspell Katharine Kerr Example for book where two maps and a fictional essay are mentioned in the pub notes only.
Lest Darkness Fall / Rogue Queen / The Tritonian Ring and Other Pusadian Tales L. Sprague de Camp Omnibus. Trade paperback
The Complete Compleat Enchanter L. Sprague de Camp
Fletcher Pratt
The Eye of the World Robert Jordan Example of an Orbit book that lists the printing history on the copyright page (instead of using a number line)
The Great Hunt Robert Jordan
The Dragon Reborn Robert Jordan
The Shadow Rising Robert Jordan Part of a boxed set. Frontispiece is a colored version of a b&w map appearing inside the book.
The Fires of Heaven Robert Jordan Part of a boxed set. A better and more detailed description of the content is in this pub record.
Lord of Chaos Robert Jordan Part of a boxed set
A Crown of Swords Robert Jordan
The Path of Daggers Robert Jordan Example of a book where the same printing (1st printing in this case) was issued with two different covers by different artists.
The Dragonbone Chair Tad Williams DAW book. Signature facsimile on title page.
Magyk Angie Sage Hardcover
Dragon Wing Margaret Weis
Tracy Hickman
Example where musical notes and lyrics are recorded as POEM.
Elven Star Margaret Weis
Tracy Hickman
Fire Sea Margaret Weis
Tracy Hickman
Serpent Mage Margaret Weis
Tracy Hickman
The Hand of Chaos Margaret Weis
Tracy Hickman
Into the Labyrinth Margaret Weis
Tracy Hickman
The Seventh Gate Margaret Weis
Tracy Hickman
Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone J. K. Rowling
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets J. K. Rowling
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban J. K. Rowling
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire J. K. Rowling
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix J. K. Rowling
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince J. K. Rowling
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows J. K. Rowling Hardcover
The Rediscovery of Man Cordwainer Smith Collection. Trade paperback
Norstrilia Cordwainer Smith
Quest of the Three Worlds Cordwainer Smith Collection or (fix-up) novel
Space Lords Cordwainer Smith Collection
City of Illusions Ursula K. Le Guin Example with a frontispiece interior art title.
Rocannon's World Ursula K. Le Guin
The Lathe of Heaven Ursula K. Le Guin
The Compass Rose Ursula K. Le Guin Collection
Orsinian Tales Ursula K. Le Guin Collection
The Earthsea Quartet Ursula K. Le Guin Earthsea 1-4. Omnibus. Trade paperback.
Tales From Earthsea Ursula K. Le Guin Earthsea 5. Trade paperback. Contains the Earthsea map signed by Le Guin.
The Other Wind Ursula K. Le Guin Earthsea 6. Example of a number line that contains both printing numbers and years: "22 CWM 10". Contains the Earthsea map signed by Le Guin. The map appears on unnumbered pages before page 1, i.e. "bp" in the Page field.
The Dispossessed Ursula K. Le Guin Trade paperback. 40th Anniversary Edition.
The Left Hand of Darkness Ursula K. Le Guin Hardcover
Planet of Exile Ursula K. Le Guin
Five Ways to Forgiveness Ursula K. Le Guin Collection. Trade paperback.
A Tupolev Too Far and Other Stories Brian W. Aldiss PRICE. Collection
Cryptozoic Brian W. Aldiss Panther book that is actually a third printing, although according to the copyright page it should be a second printing. Another undated Panther publication can be identified as an earlier printing due to a lower price.
A Romance of the Equator Brian W. Aldiss Collection
The Moment of Eclipse Brian W. Aldiss Collection
The Malacia Tapestry Brian W. Aldiss
The Saliva Tree and Other Growths Brian W. Aldiss Collection
Report on Probability A Brian W. Aldiss
Frankenstein Unbound Brian W. Aldiss The referenced pub record could probably be merged with this one, a corresponding task is on my TODO list
Non-Stop Brian W. Aldiss Trade paperback.
Helliconia Brian W. Aldiss Trade paperback. Part of an unnumbered publication series (Gollancz SF Masterworks (II))
The Complete Short Stories: The 1950s Brian W. Aldiss Collection
Greybeard Brian W. Aldiss
More Than Human Theodore Sturgeon Example for an old Ballantine book with a catalogue number instead of an ISBN
To Here and the Easel Theodore Sturgeon
Thunder and Roses Theodore Sturgeon Collection. Hardcover. First edition, first printing. Stories were previously collected. My copy of the book is missing the dust jacket, thus I cannot verify price or cover art.
The Furious Future Algis Budrys
Michaelmas Algis Budrys
Some Will Not Die Algis Budrys
Rogue Moon: Coronet edition and Gollancz SF Masterworks II edition Algis Budrys Trade paperback (SF Masterworks II edition)
The Unexpected Dimension Algis Budrys Collection. Hardcover
Infinite Dreams Joe Haldeman PRICE (I am not even sure if there is a price). Collection. The author's signature appears on the title page, together with a date ("3 Apr 80") - this seems to be genuine!
Mindbridge Joe Haldeman
All My Sins Remembered Joe Haldeman Collection or (fix-up) novel
The Forever War Joe Haldeman Trade paperback
Forever Free Joe Haldeman Library book. Cover artist is wrongly credited to Chris Moore instead of Bob Eggleton - in the ISFDB this results in the title record having the author "Chris Moore (in error)", and being a variant title of a variant title. Funny enough, the author Chris Moore (in error) is now an alternate name for two different authors.
Camouflage Joe Haldeman
Stand on Zanzibar John Brunner
The Sheep Look Up John Brunner
The Infinitive of Go John Brunner
The Crucible of Time John Brunner
The Compleat Traveller in Black John Brunner
The Shockwave Rider John Brunner Trade paperback
The Jagged Orbit John Brunner DAW book
The Stone That Never Came Down John Brunner Hardcover. Doubleday 1973 edition, printed in April 1974 according to gutter code P17 on page 206. From the library of the author - with his bookplate on the front free end paper.
Stars in My Pocket Like Grains of Sand Samuel R. Delany
Dhalgren Samuel R. Delany
The Einstein Intersection Samuel R. Delany
The Jewels of Aptor Samuel R. Delany
Tales of Nevèrÿon Samuel R. Delany Collection
Neveryóna, or: The Tale of Signs and Cities: Some Informal Remarks Towards the Modular Calculus, Part Four Samuel R. Delany
The Fall of the Towers Samuel R. Delany Omnibus
Babel-17 Samuel R. Delany
Driftglass Samuel R. Delany Collection
Nova Samuel R. Delany Trade paperback. Example of a publication without a price.
Consider Phlebas Iain M. Banks Trade paperback. Culture novel.
The Player of Games Iain M. Banks Trade paperback. Culture novel.
Use of Weapons Iain M. Banks Trade paperback. Culture novel.
Excession Iain M. Banks Culture novel
Inversions Iain M. Banks Trade paperback. Culture novel.
Look to Windward Iain M. Banks Culture novel
Matter Iain M. Banks Trade paperback. Culture novel.
Surface Detail Iain M. Banks Trade paperback. Culture novel.
The Hydrogen Sonata Iain M. Banks Trade paperback. Culture novel.
The State of the Art Iain M. Banks Collection. Trade paperback. Two of the stories are Culture stories.
Against a Dark Background Iain M. Banks Trade paperback
Feersum Endjinn Iain M. Banks Trade paperback
The Algebraist Iain M. Banks Trade paperback
Transition Iain M. Banks Hardcover. First edition, first printing.
The Wasp Factory Iain Banks Trade paperback
Red Mars Kim Stanley Robinson
Green Mars Kim Stanley Robinson
Blue Mars Kim Stanley Robinson
Tactics of Mistake Gordon R. Dickson PRICE
Soldier, Ask Not Gordon R. Dickson PRICE (except for Canada price)
Dorsai! Gordon R. Dickson
Mission of Gravity Hal Clement Trade paperback
Cycle of Fire Hal Clement
Natives of Space Hal Clement
Iceworld / Cycle of Fire / Close to Critical Hal Clement Omnibus. Trade paperback
Still River Hal Clement
Ender's Game Orson Scott Card
Speaker for the Dead Orson Scott Card
Maps in a Mirror: The Short Fiction of Orson Scott Card Orson Scott Card Collection. Hardcover. First edition, first printing. Example where the "Pages" field is set to "x+675" even though no content was recorded on the pages with Roman numerals. This is specifically covered in the help (although it says that unnumbered pages in between the two ranges can be ignored, but in this case previous editors handcounted forward from the page with the highest Roman numeral "ix" to arrive at "x").
City Clifford D. Simak Collection. Ace edition 1981.
City Clifford D. Simak Collection. Gollancz edition ca. 2011. Includes a new, modern-day introduction, but the "Epilog" story from the Ace edition is missing.
Way Station Clifford D. Simak
Ring Around the Sun Clifford D. Simak
Out of Their Minds Clifford D. Simak
All the Traps of Earth Clifford D. Simak Collection
The Night of the Puudly Clifford D. Simak Collection
Stranger in a Strange Land Robert A. Heinlein
Starship Troopers Robert A. Heinlein
Expanded Universe Robert A. Heinlein Collection
The Puppet Masters Robert A. Heinlein
Assignment in Eternity Robert A. Heinlein Collection
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress Robert A. Heinlein Hardcover
The Green Hills of Earth Robert A. Heinlein OLD (1956)
Double Star Robert A. Heinlein
Rocketship Galileo Robert A. Heinlein First of Heinlein's juveniles.
Between Planets Robert A. Heinlein Juvenile.
Star Beast Robert A. Heinlein Front cover has "The Star Beast", but title page only has "Star Beast". According to SFE among the best of Heinlein's juveniles, not the least because of its relative freedom from Heinlein's "didactic rancour".
The Door Into Summer Robert A. Heinlein
Have Space Suit - Will Travel Robert A. Heinlein Juvenile. Same praise from SFE as for "Star Beast".
Waldo and Magic, Inc Robert A. Heinlein Collection. Two novellas "Waldo" (1942) and "Magic, Inc." (1940). The former coined the term used for remote manipulators in the real world.
Robert A. Heinlein: In Dialogue with His Century: Volume 1: 1907-1948: Learning Curve William H. Patterson, Jr. Hardcover. Biography. Nonfiction. Example for a shared cover art title record (shared with volume 2).
Robert A. Heinlein: In Dialogue with His Century: Volume 2: 1948-1988: The Man Who Learned Better William H. Patterson, Jr. Hardcover. Biography. Nonfiction. Example for a shared cover art title record (shared with volume 1).
The City and the Stars Arthur C. Clarke Trade paperback
The Fountains of Paradise Arthur C. Clarke Trade paperback
Prelude to Space Arthur C. Clarke
The Songs of Distant Earth Arthur C. Clarke
Childhoods End Arthur C. Clarke
The Nine Billion Names of God Arthur C. Clarke Collection. Hardcover. Contains the introduction and 19 out of 25 short stories that appear in the original 1967 collection.
2001: A Space Odyssey Arthur C. Clarke
2010: Odyssey Two Arthur C. Clarke
Rendezvous With Rama Arthur C. Clarke
Rendezvous With Rama Arthur C. Clarke Trade paperback. Gollancz Space Opera Collection.
Rama II Arthur C. Clarke
The Garden of Rama Arthur C. Clarke
Rama Revealed Arthur C. Clarke
A Fall of Moondust Arthur C. Clarke
Expedition to Earth Arthur C. Clarke Collection. Contains "The Sentinel".
The Sands of Mars Arthur C. Clarke
The Deep Range Arthur C. Clarke
Earthlight Arthur C. Clarke Trade paperback. Example of a publication without a price.
The Light of Other Days Arthur C. Clarke
Stephen Baxter
ARC. The ISFDB link points to the Voyager / HarperCollins UK hardcover first edition, first printing, but the actual book I have is an uncorrected proof copy of that edition, marked as such on the back cover. My book has the hardcover size but a trade paperback binding. It is accompanied by a review card from HarperCollins. I have not added the details of my book to ISFDB because the project excludes ARCs (advanced reader copies) that were not produced for sale by the publisher.
Nightfall One Isaac Asimov Collection
Nightfall Two Isaac Asimov Collection. PRICE
Pebble in the Sky Isaac Asimov
The Stars Like Dust Isaac Asimov
The Currents of Space Isaac Asimov PRICE?
The Foundation Trilogy Isaac Asimov Omnibus. Trade paperback. Example for a non-standard page count: 227+viii+227+iv+225 (because page numbering restarts with each novel)
The Caves of Steel Isaac Asimov
The Naked Sun Isaac Asimov
The Robots of Dawn Isaac Asimov
Robots and Empire Isaac Asimov
The Complete Robot Isaac Asimov Collection
The Gods Themselves Isaac Asimov
Foundation's Edge Isaac Asimov Example for a book that contains a synopsis which I have not recorded as a separate title.
Foundation and Earth Isaac Asimov
Prelude to Foundation Isaac Asimov
I. Asimov: A Memoir Isaac Asimov Autobiography. Nonfiction
A Pair from Space James Blish
Robert Silverberg
Anthology. Contains the novelettes "Giants in the Earth" (by Blish) and "We, the Marauders" (by Silverberg).
Space on My Hands Fredric Brown Collection. All short fiction titles are in lower case on their starting page (except "Introduction"). On ISFDB they are recorded with regularized case.
The Tree Lord of Imeten / Empire Star Tom Purdom
Samuel R. Delany
Ace Double
Star Bridge Jack Williamson
James E. Gunn
The Best of Mack Reynolds Mack Reynolds Collection. Each story has a short introduction, but the page number given in the pub record is where the actual story starts.
Men Against the Stars Martin Greenberg Anthology
Genesis Poul Anderson
The Byworlder Poul Anderson
The Night Face Poul Anderson
Tau Zero Poul Anderson Trade paperback. Gollancz Space Opera Collection.
Brain Wave / The Boat of a Million Years / The Guardians of Time Poul Anderson Omnibus. Trade paperback
The Broken Sword Poul Anderson
The Trouble Twisters Poul Anderson Hardcover. SFBC UK #141. Contains 3 fictional essays. Another ISFDB editor decided to create variant titles for two (but not the third!) of these essays, as by the respective fictional author name. The weird result is that the database now has the two pseudonyms "Vance Hall" and "Noah Arkwright" for Poul Anderson. 🤷
Snow Crash Neal Stephenson
The Diamond Age Neal Stephenson
The Cryptonomicon Neal Stephenson Trade paperback
Revelation Space Alastair Reynolds Revelation Space 1
Chasm City Alastair Reynolds Revelation Space 2. Trade paperback.
Redemption Ark Alastair Reynolds Revelation Space 3
Absolution Gap Alastair Reynolds Revelation Space 4
The Prefect Alastair Reynolds Revelation Space. Trade paperback.
Diamond Dogs, Turquoise Days Alastair Reynolds Revelation Space. Trade paperback.
Blue Remembered Earth Alastair Reynolds Poseidon's Children 1. Hardcover. First edition, first printing.
Century Rain Alastair Reynolds Trade paperback. Gollancz Space Opera Collection.
Zima Blue and Other Stories Alastair Reynolds Collection. Trade paperback
Sundiver David Brin
Startide Rising David Brin
The Uplift War David Brin
Moving Mars Greg Bear
Songs of Earth and Power Greg Bear Omnibus
Eon Greg Bear Trade paperback. Gollancz Space Opera Collection
Blood Music Greg Bear Trade paperback
Darwin's Radio Greg Bear Hardcover. First edition, first printing.
Darwin's Children Greg Bear Contains a "Biological Primer" piece that is almost identical to the one in "Darwin's Radio". Differences: 1) Fix of descriptive error: "contains the memory necessary" vs. "contains the instructions necessary"; 2) Precision: "Researchers estimate" vs. "Researchers currently estimate"; 3) Scientific update 1: "consists of between sixty thousand and a hundred thousand genes" vs. "consists of approximately thirty thousand genes"; 4) Scientific update 2: "Biofilms also exist in your intestines and on your teeth" vs. "Biofilms can also exist in your intestines, your urinary tract, and on your teeth, where they sometimes cause problems,"; 5) Fix of spelling error: "eucaryotic" vs. "eukaryotic"; 6) Fix of grammatical error: "phage" vs. "phages"; 7) Style change: "to create biofilm 'cities'; you may be familiar with these cities" vs. "to create biofilms; you may be familiar with these bacterial 'cities'"; 7) Several minor changes of interpunction or emphasis.
New Legends Greg Bear
Martin Greenberg
Hardcover. First edition, first printing. Example with an "Epilog" piece attributed to author "uncredited". Note that ISFDB has another Martin Greenberg, who is less known but also an anthology editor. The author record who is the alternate name for the well-known "Martin H. Greenberg" is Martin Greenberg (1941-2011).
The Fifth Head of Cerberus Gene Wolfe Trade paperback
Storeys from the Old Hotel Gene Wolfe Collection. Trade paperback
Shadow & Claw Gene Wolfe Omnibus. Trade paperback
Sword & Citadel Gene Wolfe Omnibus. Trade paperback
The Urth of the New Sun Gene Wolfe Trade paperback
Shadrach in the Furnace Robert Silverberg
The Stochastic Man Robert Silverberg PRICE. Although I don't have the price, I assume that I have the first printing because the ISFDB cover scan matches my book exactly. The other pub record, dated only 3 years later, does not have the "New in paperback" flag in the bottom-right corner of the front cover.
Needle in a Timestack Robert Silverberg Collection. Example for a Sphere book without any information that helps with dating, but the ISFDB has another pub that is the first printing.
Hawksbill Station Robert Silverberg
A Time of Changes: Signet edition and Orb edition Robert Silverberg The Orb edition is a trade paperback and includes a new, modern-day introduction by the author.
The Book of Skulls Robert Silverberg Trade paperback. Gollancz SF Masterworks publication that, although it is not the first printing, does not have a number line.
Nightwings Robert Silverberg Trade paperback. Fixup novel. Has a number line that 1) mixes printing numbers with years, but 2) at the same time reverses the usual interpretation of these numbers.
Earth's Other Shadow Robert Silverberg Collection. Panther book that is not the first printing, despite missing reprint statements on copyright.
The Man in the Maze Robert Silverberg
The Masks of Time Robert Silverberg
Majipoor Chronicles Robert Silverberg Majipoor 2/5. Collection. Epilogue (Majipoor Chronicles) is not actually titled, but almost every editor who has PV'ed a publication of the collection apparently has accepted that "Epilogue" is used for the title record. The only exceptions I could find are this pub record (PV'ed by Bluesman) and the French and German translation title records (the French translation title contains a note by Hauck).
Dying Inside Robert Silverberg Trade paperback
Riverworld Philip José Farmer Omnibus. Trade paperback
The Fabulous Riverboat Philip José Farmer
The Maker of Universes Philip José Farmer
The Classic Philip José Farmer, 1952-1964 Philip José Farmer Collection. Hardcover
The Classic Philip José Farmer, 1964-1973 Philip José Farmer Collection. Hardcover
The Maker of Universes / To Your Scattered Bodies Go / The Unreasoning Mask Philip José Farmer Omnibus. Trade paperback
Ringworld Larry Niven 52nd printing!
The Ringworld Engineers Larry Niven
The Magic Goes Away Larry Niven Cover by Boris Vallejo. Has a lot of interior art.
Neutron Star Larry Niven Collection. PRICE
Protector Larry Niven
Flatlander Larry Niven Collection
Crashlander Larry Niven Collection
The Mote in God's Eye Larry Niven
Jerry Pournelle
Three Books of Known Space Larry Niven Omnibus. Trade paperback
The Flying Sorcerers David Gerrold
Larry Niven
Terraforming Earth Jack Williamson
Parable of the Sower Octavia E. Butler
Parable of the Talents Octavia E. Butler
Darkover Landfall Marion Zimmer Bradley DAW book
The Ages of Chaos Marion Zimmer Bradley Omnibus. DAW book
The Snow Queen Joan D. Vinge
Omega Jack McDevitt
The Star Fraction Ken MacLeod
The Child Garden Geoff Ryman Trade paperback
Mockingbird Walter Tevis Trade paperback
Cross-Currents Robert Lynn Asprin
Lynn Abbey
Omnibus (collecting anthologies). Hardcover. Gutter code "O 48" on page 627 identifies this as the first printing (according to notes in ISFDB pub record).
The Price of Victory Robert Lynn Asprin
Lynn Abbey
Omnibus (collecting anthologies). Hardcover. Seems to have no gutter code (looking at the bottom of each page I couldn't find one).
The Dead of Winter Robert Lynn Asprin
Lynn Abbey
Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang Kate Wilhelm Trade paperback
Somerset Dreams and Other Fictions Kate Wilhelm Collection. Hardcover. Has a number line that mixes printing numbers with years.
The Clewiston Test / The Infinity Box / Welcome, Chaos Kate Wilhelm Omnibus. Trade paperback
American Gods Neil Gaiman Trade paperback. Has a number line that mixes printing numbers with years.
The Quantum Rose Catherine Asaro Hardcover
Science Fiction: DAW 30th Anniversary Elizabeth R. Wollheim
Sheila E. Gilbert
Anthology. Hardcover. DAW book.
Fantasy: DAW 30th Anniversary Elizabeth R. Wollheim
Sheila E. Gilbert
Anthology. DAW book
The Hugo Winners, Volumes One and Two Isaac Asimov Omnibus, consisting of two anthologies. Hardcover. No dust jacket. Example of a publication with a gutter code.
The Mammoth Book of Nebula Awards SF Kevin J. Anderson Anthology. Trade paperback
Nebula Awards Showcase 2015 Greg Bear Anthology. Trade paperback
Before the Golden Age Volume One Isaac Asimov Anthology. This is volume 1 from the 4-volume 1975 Orbit edition. I am missing volumes 2-4.
Before the Golden Age Volume Two Isaac Asimov Anthology. This is volume 2 from the 3-volume 1978 Orbit edition. I am missing volume 1.
Before the Golden Age Volume Three Isaac Asimov Anthology. This is volume 3 from the 3-volume 1978 Orbit edition. I am missing volume 1.
Eternal Light Paul J. McAuley Trade paperback. Gollancz Space Opera Collection.
The Stand Stephen King
IT Stephen King
The Tommyknockers Stephen King
Misery Stephen King
The Dark Half Stephen King
Gerald's Game Stephen King
Dolores Claiborne Stephen King Page numbering switches from Roman to Arabic numerals without restarting at 1
Insomnia Stephen King
Night Shift Stephen King Collection. Trade paperback
Different Seasons Stephen King Collection
Skeleton Crew Stephen King Collection
Four Past Midnight Stephen King Collection
Nightmares and Dreamscapes Stephen King Collection. Example where a single interior art page is listed in the middle of the book, with a minimal sort descriptor in the page field.
The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger Stephen King
The Dark Tower: The Drawing of the Three Stephen King
The Waste Lands Stephen King
The Dark Tower: Wizard and Glass Stephen King
Wolves of the Calla Stephen King Trade paperback
Song of Susannah Stephen King Trade paperback
The Dark Tower Stephen King Trade paperback
The Talisman Stephen King
Peter Straub
Trade paperback
The Bachman Books Richard Bachman Omnibus
Thinner Richard Bachman Trade paperback
A Fire Upon the Deep Vernor Vinge Zones of Thought 1/3. Trade paperback.
A Deepness in the Sky Vernor Vinge Zones of Thought 2/3. Trade paperback.
Marooned in Realtime Vernor Vinge Realtime 2/2. Trade paperback. ARC. The ISFDB link points to the 1986 Bluejay hardcover first edition, first printing, but the actual book I have is an uncorrected proof copy of that edition, marked as such on the first page . My book has the hardcover size but a trade paperback binding. I have not added the details of my book to ISFDB because the project excludes ARCs (advanced reader copies) that were not produced for sale by the publisher.
Pavane Keith Roberts Collection or (fix-up) novel. Trade paperback. Story title prefixes ("First Measure" etc.) not recorded as variant titles.
The Deep John Crowley Trade paperback
Engine Summer John Crowley Trade paperback
Permutation City Greg Egan Trade paperback
Distress Greg Egan Hardcover
Diaspora Greg Egan Trade paperback
Axiomatic Greg Egan Trade paperback. Collection.
Flowers For Algernon Daniel Keyes Trade paperback. Part of an unnumbered publication series (Gollancz SF Masterworks (II)). This book is notable because another publication of the same title from the same series is a mass market paperback - the first mm paperback I have seen in the SF Masterworks series! The other publication includes an introduction that my edition does not have, but is cheaper, probably due to the mm paperback binding. It also has a different ISBN.
Wasp Eric Frank Russell Trade paperback
Somewhere a Voice Eric Frank Russell Collection
Synners: Gollancz SF Masterworks (II) edition and The Best of the Masterworks edition Pat Cadigan Trade paperback. Example for page count that combines Roman and Arabic numeral ("xiii+475").
Sci-Fi Chronicles: A Visual History of the Galaxy's Greatest Science Fiction Guy Haley Hardcover. Nonfiction.
Far Out / In Deep / Off Centre / Turning On Damon Knight Omnibus. Trade paperback
The Three-body Problem Cixin Liu Santi / Remembrance of Earth's Past 1. Trade paperback
The Dark Forest Cixin Liu Santi / Remembrance of Earth's Past 2. Trade paperback
Death's End Cixin Liu Santi / Remembrance of Earth's Past 3. Trade paperback
Best SF Three Edmund Crispin Anthology. Hardcover
Triplanetary E. E. "Doc" Smith Lensman 1
First Lensman E. E. "Doc" Smith Lensman 2
Galactic Patrol E. E. "Doc" Smith Lensman 3
Spacehounds of IPC E. E. "Doc" Smith Lensman 4
The Skylark of Space E. E. "Doc" Smith
Skylark Three E. E. "Doc" Smith
Skylark of Valeron E. E. "Doc" Smith PRICE
Skylark DuQuesne E. E. "Doc" Smith
Shadows in the Sun Chad Oliver OLD (1954)
A Sense of Wonder Sam Moskowitz Anthology
Tales from the Galaxies Amabel Williams-Ellis
Michael Pearson
Anthology. 3 of the 4 stories are abridged.
The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction Peter Nicholls
John Clute
Hardcover. Nonfiction.
The Encyclopedia of Fantasy John Grant
John Clute
Hardcover. Nonfiction.
Appleseed John Clute Hardcover. First edition, first printing. The pub record mentions a jacket image credit on the jacket's rear flap, which I cannot find in my copy. The pub note was added by Bluesman who is no longer active.
Chroniken der Zukunft Band 1 Wolfgang Jeschke Omnibus (multiple authors)
Chroniken der Zukunft Band 2 Wolfgang Jeschke Omnibus (multiple authors)
Chroniken der Zukunft Band 3 Wolfgang Jeschke Omnibus (multiple authors)
Welten der Zukunft: Chroniken aus Raum und Zeit Band 4 Wolfgang Jeschke Omnibus (multiple authors)
Welten der Zukunft: Chroniken aus Raum und Zeit Band 5 Wolfgang Jeschke Omnibus (multiple authors)
Welten der Zukunft: Chroniken aus Raum und Zeit Band 6 Wolfgang Jeschke Omnibus (multiple authors)
Welten der Zukunft: Chroniken aus Raum und Zeit Band 7 Wolfgang Jeschke Omnibus (multiple authors)
Welten der Zukunft: Chroniken aus Raum und Zeit Band 8 Wolfgang Jeschke Omnibus (multiple authors)
Welten der Zukunft: Chroniken aus Raum und Zeit Band 9 Wolfgang Jeschke Omnibus (multiple authors)
Welten der Zukunft: Chroniken aus Raum und Zeit Band 10 Wolfgang Jeschke Omnibus (multiple authors)
Welten der Zukunft: Chroniken aus Raum und Zeit Band 11 Wolfgang Jeschke Omnibus (multiple authors)
Welten der Zukunft: Chroniken aus Raum und Zeit Band 12 Wolfgang Jeschke Omnibus (multiple authors)
Lord of the Flies William Golding This edition specially produced for the German school and university market.
Chthon Piers Anthony
Phthor Piers Anthony
The Technician Neal Asher Trade paperback
Gridlinked Neal Asher Trade paperback
Leviathan Wakes James. S. A. Corey Trade paperback. The Expanse 1.
Caliban's War James. S. A. Corey Trade paperback. The Expanse 2.
Beachheads in Space August Derleth Anthology
On Wings of Song Thomas M. Disch Hardcover. First edition, first printing.
The Machine Stops E. M. Forster Collection. Trade paperback.
Brain Rose Nancy Kress ARC. The ISFDB link points to the William Morrow hardcover first edition, first printing, but the actual book I have is an uncorrected proof copy of that edition, marked as such on the front cover. My book has a trade paperback size and binding. The back cover has ISBN 0-688-09452-X (i.e. the same as the hardcover edition) and price $17.95 + page count 288 (which does not match the ISFDB pub record). I have not added the details of my book to ISFDB because the project excludes ARCs (advanced reader copies) that were not produced for sale by the publisher.
Ancillary Justice Ann Leckie Trade paperback
Ancillary Sword Ann Leckie Trade paperback
Ancillary Mercy Ann Leckie Trade paperback
Provenance Ann Leckie Hardcover. First edition, first printing.
Altered Carbon Richard Morgan
The Long Earth Terry Pratchett
Stephen Baxter
Long Earth 1/5. Trade paperback. Example publication that contains an author photograph, not recorded as a distinct title record but mentioned in the pub notes, because colored photographs in paperback editions are a bit unusual.
The Anubis Gates Tim Powers Trade paperback. Cover art not credited, but cover design is credited. Usually I would not use the designer to record the cover art (as per ISFDB help page instructions), but when I cloned the publication the PVs of the first printing had already created a cover art title record for the designer. So instead of leaving my cloned pub record entirely without cover art I decided to align "my" pub record with the existing first printing pub record.
Marrow Robert Reed The Great Ship 1. First printing of paperback edition.
The Days of Glory Brian M. Stableford Dies Irae 1/3
Wildeblood's Empire Brian M. Stableford Daedalus Mission 3/6
Journey to the Centre Brian Stableford Asgard 1/3
Invaders From the Centre Brian M. Stableford Asgard 2/3
The Ultimate Enemy Fred Saberhagen Berserker 5. Collection.
Barnacle Bill the Spacer And Other Stories Lucius Shephard Collection. Hardcover. First edition, first printing.
Her Smoke Rose Up Forever James Tiptree, Jr. Collection. Trade paperback.
Irontown Blues John Varley Metal trilogy 3/3. Trade paperback.
The Once and Future King T. H. White Omnibus. Trade paperback.
Analog Science Fact -> Fiction, July 1961 (British Edition) John W. Campbell (editor) Magazine
Analog Science Fact -> Fiction, September 1961 (British Edition) John W. Campbell (editor) Magazine
Analog Science Fact -> Fiction, October 1961 (British Edition) John W. Campbell (editor) Magazine
Analog Science Fact -> Science Fiction, August 1963 (British Edition) John W. Campbell (editor) Magazine
Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact, March 1972 Ben Bova (editor) Magazine
Eidolon: The Journal of Australian Science Fiction and Fantasy, Winter 1995 Jeremy G. Byrne
Richard Scriven
Jonathan Strahan
Eidolon: The Journal of Australian Science Fiction and Fantasy, Spring 1997 Jeremy G. Byrne
Jonathan Strahan
Eidolon: The Journal of Australian Science Fiction and Fantasy, Summer 1996 Jeremy G. Byrne
Richard Scriven
Jonathan Strahan
The Long Tomorrow Leigh Brackett Trade paperback
Pawn of Prophecy David Eddings Belgariad 1
Queen of Sorcery David Eddings Belgariad 2. ISFDB has an individual title for the front map. Also this pub record lists the maps within the stories as individual titles as by "uncredited". After comparing the drawing style, I concluded that the uncredited maps are also by Shapiro, hence I'm recording all maps as a single interior art title, even though this creates a certain amount of duplication in the database.
Magician's Gambit David Eddings Belgariad 3
Castle of Wizardry David Eddings Belgariad 4
Enchanters' End Game David Eddings Belgariad 5
Guardians of the West David Eddings Malloreon 1
King of the Murgos David Eddings Malloreon 2
Demon Lord of Karanda David Eddings Malloreon 3
Sorceress of Darshiva David Eddings Malloreon 4
Seeress of Kell David Eddings Malloreon 5
The Diamond Throne David Eddings Elenium 1
The Ruby Knight David Eddings Elenium 2
The Sapphire Rose David Eddings Elenium 3
Domes of Fire David Eddings The Tamuli 1
The Shining Ones David Eddings The Tamuli 2
The Hidden City David Eddings The Tamuli 3
The Uncertain Midnight Edmund Cooper The title page has the text "(Formerly Deadly Image)" below the title.
Five To Twelve Edmund Cooper
Spectrum I Kingsley Amis
Robert Conquest
Anthology. The title page has the text "A Science Fiction Anthology" below the title.
The Best From Fantasy and Science Fiction no 12 Avram Davidson Anthology
The Broken Worlds Raymond Harris

Author list

  • Andre Norton
  • Harry Harrison (has pubs in German)
  • Dan Simmons
  • Michael Moorcock (has pubs in German)
  • Murray Leinster
  • Olaf Stapledon
  • Alfred Bester
  • Gregory Maguire
  • Frederik Pohl
  • C. M. Kornbluth
  • Douglas Adams (has pubs in German)
  • Jack Vance (has pubs in German)
  • Michael Chabon
  • Gregory Benford
  • Kurt Vonnegut
  • Connie Willis
  • Philip K. Dick (has pubs in German)
  • Charles Platt
  • Edgar Pangborn
  • John Crowley (has pubs in German)
  • Gardner Dozois, as a writer
  • Monica Hughes
  • Pierre Boulle
  • Michael Crichton (has pubs in German)
  • Ian Watson
  • T. J. Bass
  • Michael Bishop
  • John Sladek
  • C. L. Moore
  • Stanley G. Weinbaum
  • Joanna Russ
  • Vonda N. McIntyre (has pubs in German)
  • Stephen Baxter
  • James Blish
  • C. J. Cherryh
  • A. E. van Vogt
  • Alexei Panshin
  • Adam Roberts
  • M. John Harrison
  • William Gibson (has pubs in German)
  • A. A. Attanasio
  • Robert Sheckley
  • William C. Dietz
  • Patrick Tilley
  • Daniel F. Galouye
  • Charles Sheffield
  • Ben Bova
  • Jack Finney (has pubs in German)
  • Aldous Huxley
  • George Orwell
  • John Wyndham
  • H. G. Wells
  • Walter M. Miller Jr.
  • Robert Anton Wilson
  • Anne Rice
  • Manly Wade Wellman
  • Richard Matheson
  • James Herbert (has pubs in German)
  • Thomas Harris
  • Frank Herbert (has pubs in German)
  • James Gunn
  • L. Neil Smith (has pubs in German)
  • Peter F. Hamilton
  • Alan Dean Foster (has pubs in German)
  • Anne McCaffrey
  • H. P. Lovecraft
  • Ambrose Bierce
  • Jane Yolen, as editor
  • George R. Stewart
  • Lois McMaster Bujold
  • Stephen R. Donaldson (has pubs in German)
  • Arthur W. Saha, as editor
  • Martin H. Greenberg, as editor
  • C. S. Lewis
  • Lewis Carroll
  • Ray Bradbury (has pubs in German)
  • Roger Zelazny
  • Patricia A. McKillip
  • Elizabeth A. Lynn
  • Raymond E. Feist
  • Christopher Priest
  • Sheri S. Tepper
  • Terry Pratchett (has pubs in German)
  • Randall Garrett
  • Michael Kurland
  • Freda Warrington (has pubs in German)
  • Robin Hobb
  • Fritz Leiber (has pubs in German)
  • Edgar Rice Burroughs
  • Terry Brooks
  • Joy Chant
  • Diana L. Paxson (has pubs in German)
  • Susanna Clarke
  • Katharine Kerr
  • L. Sprague de Camp
  • Fletcher Pratt
  • Robert Jordan
  • Tad Williams (has pubs in German)
  • Thieves' World (all pubs in German)
  • Angie Sage
  • Margaret Weis
  • Tracy Hickman
  • J. K. Rowling
  • Cordwainer Smith
  • Ursula K. Le Guin (has pubs in German)
  • Brian W. Aldiss (has pubs in German)
  • Theodore Sturgeon
  • Algis Budrys
  • Joe Haldeman
  • John Brunner (has pubs in German)
  • Samuel R. Delany
  • Iain M. Banks
  • Kim Stanley Robinson
  • Gordon R. Dickson
  • Hal Clement
  • Orson Scott Card
  • Clifford D. Simak
  • Robert A. Heinlein (has pubs in German)
  • Arthur C. Clarke (has pubs in German)
  • Isaac Asimov (has pubs in German)
  • Fredric Brown
  • Tom Purdom
  • Poul Anderson
  • Neal Stephenson
  • Alastair Reynolds
  • David Brin
  • Greg Bear
  • Gene Wolfe
  • Robert Silverberg
  • Philip José Farmer (has pubs in German)
  • Larry Niven (has pubs in German)
  • Jerry Pournelle
  • Jack Williamson
  • Octavia E. Butler
  • Marion Zimmer Bradley
  • Joan D. Vinge
  • Jack McDevitt
  • Ken MacLeod
  • Geoff Ryman
  • Walter Tevis
  • Robert Asprin (has pubs in German)
  • Robert Lynn Asprin
  • Lynn Abbey
  • Kate Wilhelm
  • Neil Gaiman
  • Catherine Asaro
  • Elizabeth R. Wollheim, as editor
  • Sheila E. Gilbert, as editor
  • Kevin J. Anderson, as editor
  • Paul J. McAuley
  • J. R. R. Tolkien
  • Christopher Tolkien, as editor
  • Wayne G. Hammond, Christina Scull
  • Humphrey Carpenter
  • Michael White
  • Tom Shippey
  • Randel Helms
  • Henry N. Beard
  • Douglas C. Kenney
  • Stephen King (has pubs in German)
  • Vernor Vinge
  • Keith Roberts
  • Greg Egan
  • Daniel Keyes
  • Eric Frank Russell
  • Pat Cadigan
  • Sean Wallace, as editor
  • Guy Haley
  • Damon Knight
  • Cixin Liu
  • Edmund Crispin, as editor
  • H. L. Gold, as editor
  • E. E. "Doc" Smith
  • Chad Oliver
  • Bruce Sterling
  • Sam Moskowitz, as editor
  • Amabel Williams-Ellis
  • Michael Pearson
  • John Clute, both as editor and author
  • Peter Nicholls, as editor
  • John Grant, as editor
  • Wolfgang Jeschke, as editor
  • William Golding
  • Piers Anthony
  • Neal Asher
  • James S. A. Corey
  • August Derleth, as editor
  • Thomas M. Disch
  • E. M. Forster
  • David Gerrold
  • Nancy Kress
  • Ann Leckie
  • Tim Powers
  • Robert Reed
  • Brian M. Stableford
  • Fred Saberhagen
  • Lucius Shepard
  • James Tiptree, Jr.
  • John Varley
  • T. H. White
  • Leigh Brackett
  • David Eddings
  • Edmund Cooper
  • Kingsley Amis, as editor
  • Robert Conquest, as editor
  • Avram Davidson, as editor
  • Raymond Harris

Cover artists

The following list contains information about cover artists that are not credited but have been identified by other means (e.g. a signature).

  • Peter Elson (website). Signature consists of initials "PE" (but actually looks like "PB"). Publication examples: Deathworld 3.
  • Eddie Jones. Cover art may be signed "Eddie Jones". Publication examples: The Syndic.
  • Darrell K. Sweet. Signature consists of initials "DKS". Publication examples: Heechee Rendezvous.
  • Boris Vallejo. Signature is "Boris". Publication examples: Gateway.
  • Chris Foss: Signature is a boxed "F". Publication examples: A Case of Conscience.
  • Victor Kalin: Cover art may be signed "Victor Kalin". Publication examples: The Stars are Ours.
  • Donato Giancola: Signature is "DONATO". Publication examples: The Incredible Shrinking Man.
  • Alan Morgan: Signature is "AM". Publication examples: Phthor.
  • Alex Schomburg: Signature is "Alex Schomburg". Publication examples: Judgment on Janus.

Also check out the artist signature images available on the ISFDB.