This page contains information about the various kind of bosses that you encounter in the computer game Genshin Impact. There are two types of bosses:
- Normal bosses: All of these can be found in the Overworld (sometimes you need to travel underground or underwater to encounter the boss). You need 40 Original Resin to claim the reward. There is no limit to the number of times you can fight a normal boss and claim its reward.
- Trounce domain bosses: Almost all of these bosses are located inside a Domain. The notable exception is Andrius who can be found in the Overworld in the Mondstadt region. You need 60 Original Resin to claim the reward, but the game offers a 50% discount for the first three times you claim a reward in a given week, i.e. you pay only 30 Original Resin. You can fight a trounce domain boss any number of times, but you can claim a reward only once a week (regardless of whether you pay 30 or 60 Original Resin).
Important: You cannot spend Condensed Resin to claim the reward from a boss fight.
Character Ascension materials
The table
The following table's primary goal is to show which weekly and normal bosses can give a certain type of character ascension gem, because acquiring enough of these gems is the most difficult task of leveling up a character. This is especially true for the last ascension rank which requires 6 Gemstones, or an equivalent of 162 Slivers!
The table's secondary goal is to allow the reader to find synergies. To that purpose, the table also shows for which characters a weekly boss gives talent materials, and for which characters a normal boss gives the non-gem character ascension material needed to level up a character. This hopefully allows to design a good plan how to efficiently farm the various materials you need for the characters you want to develop. Efficiency here is measured in terms of how much Original Resin you need to spend.
Also see the section Character Development Costs further down on this page.
Character ascension gem | Character type | Weekly bosses that can give this gem | Weekly boss will also give talent material for these characters | Normal bosses that can give this gem | Normal boss will also give non-gem character ascension material for these characters |
Brilliant Diamond | Traveler | Adventure Rank reward | |||
Agnidus Agate | Pyro characters | La Signora | Molten Moment: Aloy, Gorou, Raiden Hellfire Butterfly: Kokomi, Shenhe, Thoma Ashen Heart: Itto, Kujou Sara, Yun Jin |
Algorithm of Semi-Intransient Matrix of Overseer Network | Candace, Dehya, Faruzan |
Andrius | Tail: Qiqi, Traveler, Venti, Xingqiu Ring: Barbara, Keqing, Klee, Mona Spirit Locket: Fischl, Kaeya, Ningguang, Sucrose |
Emperor of Fire and Iron | Lyney | ||
Azhdaha | Crown: Eula, Traveler, Yoimiya Branch: Dori, Ayaka, Yanfei Scale: Kazuha, Sayu, Yelan |
Iniquitous Baptist | Baizhu, Kirara | ||
Pyro Hypostasis | Thoma, Yoimiya | ||||
Pyro Regisvine | Amber, Bennett, Diluc, Klee, Xiangling, Xinyan | ||||
Primo Geovishap | Hu Tao, Xiao, Yan Fei | ||||
Varunada Lazurite | Hydro characters | Dvalin | Plume: Bennett, Diluc, Jean Claw: Lisa, Noelle, Razor, Xiangling Sigh: Amber, Beidou, Chongyun, Traveler |
Aeonblight Drake | Layla, Nilou, Wanderer |
Childe | Tusk: Albedo, Xinyan, Zhongli Shard: Diona, Hu Tao, Tartaglia Shadow: Ganyu, Rosaria, Xiao |
Iniquitous Baptist | Baizhu, Kirara | ||
Scaramouche | Puppet Strings: Dehya, Faruzan, Nahida Mirror of Mushin: Alhaitham, Layla, Mika Daka's Bell: Wanderer, Yaoyao |
Hydro Hypostasis | Ayato, Kokomi | ||
All-Devouring Narwhal | Silk String: Charlotte Eye: - Mass: Furina |
Rhodeia of Loch | Barbara, Mona, Tartaglia, Xingqiu | ||
Azhdaha | Crown: Eula, Traveler, Yoimiya Branch: Dori, Ayaka, Yanfei Scale: Kazuha, Sayu, Yelan |
Primo Geovishap | Hu Tao, Xiao, Yan Fei | ||
Hydro Tulpa | Furina | ||||
Nagadus Emerald | Dendro characters | The Realm of Beginnings | Fern: Baizhu, Freminet, Traveler Greenbloom: Kaveh, Lyney, Wriothesley Everamber: Kirara, Lynette, Neuvillette |
Dendro Hypostasis | Kaveh, Nahida, Yaoyao |
Jadeplume Terrorshroom | Collei, Tighnari | ||||
Vajrada Amethyst | Electro characters | Dvalin | Plume: Bennett, Diluc, Jean Claw: Lisa, Noelle, Razor, Xiangling Sigh: Amber, Beidou, Chongyun, Traveler |
Coral Defenders | Shenhe, Yae Miko |
Raiden Shogun | Mudra: Cyno, Ayato, Traveler Tears: Candace, Collei, Shinobu, Nilou Aeons: Heizou, Tighnari, Yae Miko |
Iniquitous Baptist | Baizhu, Kirara | ||
Childe | Tusk: Albedo, Xinyan, Zhongli Shard: Diona, Hu Tao, Tartaglia Shadow: Ganyu, Rosaria, Xiao |
Thunder Manifestation | Kujou Sara, Raiden | ||
Scaramouche | Puppet Strings: Dehya, Faruzan, Nahida Mirror of Mushin: Alhaitham, Layla, Mika Daka's Bell: Wanderer, Yaoyao |
Electro Hypostasis | Beidou, Fischl, Keqing, Lisa, Razor | ||
Azhdaha | Crown: Eula, Traveler, Yoimiya Branch: Dori, Ayaka, Yanfei Scale: Kazuha, Sayu, Yelan |
Electro Regisvine | Cyno, Dori | ||
Primo Geovishap | Hu Tao, Xiao, Yan Fei | ||||
Millennial Pearl Seahorse | Neuvillette | ||||
Vayuda Turquoise | Anemo characters | Dvalin | Plume: Bennett, Diluc, Jean Claw: Lisa, Noelle, Razor, Xiangling Sigh: Amber, Beidou, Chongyun, Traveler |
Algorithm of Semi-Intransient Matrix of Overseer Network | Candace, Dehya, Faruzan |
Scaramouche | Puppet Strings: Dehya, Faruzan, Nahida Mirror of Mushin: Alhaitham, Layla, Mika Daka's Bell: Wanderer, Yaoyao |
Icewind Suite | Lynette | ||
Maguu Kenki | Kazuha, Sayu | ||||
Setekh Wenut | Alhaitham, Mika | ||||
Anemo Hypostasis | Jean, Sucrose, Venti | ||||
Shivada Jade | Cryo characters | Childe | Tusk: Albedo, Xinyan, Zhongli Shard: Diona, Hu Tao, Tartaglia Shadow: Ganyu, Rosaria, Xiao |
Aeonblight Drake | Layla, Nilou, Wanderer |
La Signora | Molten Moment: Aloy, Gorou, Raiden Hellfire Butterfly: Kokomi, Shenhe, Thoma Ashen Heart: Itto, Kujou Sara, Yun Jin |
Coral Defenders | Shenhe, Yae Miko | ||
Andrius | Tail: Qiqi, Traveler, Venti, Xingqiu Ring: Barbara, Keqing, Klee, Mona Spirit Locket: Fischl, Kaeya, Ningguang, Sucrose |
Icewind Suite | Lynette | ||
Azhdaha | Crown: Eula, Traveler, Yoimiya Branch: Dori, Ayaka, Yanfei Scale: Kazuha, Sayu, Yelan |
Iniquitous Baptist | Baizhu, Kirara | ||
Maguu Kenki | Kazuha, Sayu | ||||
Perpetual Mechanical Array | Gorou, Ayaka | ||||
Cryo Hypostasis | Aloy, Eula | ||||
Cryo Regisvine | Chongyun, Diona, Ganyu, Kaeya, Qiqi, Rosaria | ||||
Primo Geovishap | Hu Tao, Xiao, Yan Fei | ||||
Prithiva Topaz | Geo characters | Andrius | Tail: Qiqi, Traveler, Venti, Xingqiu Ring: Barbara, Keqing, Klee, Mona Spirit Locket: Fischl, Kaeya, Ningguang, Sucrose |
Golden Wolflord | Itto, Yun Jin |
Azhdaha | Crown: Eula, Traveler, Yoimiya Branch: Dori, Ayaka, Yanfei Scale: Kazuha, Sayu, Yelan |
Perpetual Mechanical Array | Gorou, Ayaka | ||
Ruin Serpent | Shinobu, Heizou, Yelan | ||||
Primo Geovishap | Hu Tao, Xiao, Yan Fei | ||||
Geo Hypostasis | Albedo, Ningguang, Noelle, Zhongli | ||||
Prototype Cal. Breguet | Wriothesley, Charlotte |
- Other than Prithiva Topaz (Geo), the possible Ascension material obtained from Azhdaha or Primo Geovishap depends on the element that the boss is infused with. For Primo Geovishap you can see the element before the fight starts, by looking at the color with which its scales glow.
Character Development Costs
The following gives an overview of how many materials are needed to fully develop a character. Not shown are weapon development costs.
- Ascension gems
- 1 Sliver, 3 + 6 Fragments, 3 + 6 Chunks, 6 Gemstones.
- Overall an equivalent of 271 Slivers.
- The amount of Original Resin to farm this cannot be calculated because too much RNG is involved in how much materials drop from a boss kill.
- Doing your daily commissions rewards you with 1 Sliver of a random gem type. Theoretically after three quarters of a year of doing comissions every single day you will have received an amount of Slivers equivalent to fully ascend one character, but because the gem type you receive is random in the overall scheme this is a very small contribution.
- Ascension material
- 2 + 4 + 8 + 12 + 20 = 46 pieces.
- Costs between 600+ and 900+ Original Resin, depending on how often you get 2 or 3 pieces from a boss kill.
- Talent material
- 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 = 6 pieces.
- Costs between 90 and 180 Original Resin, depending on whether you collect the Trounce Blossom at full cost (60 Original Resin) or with the 50% discount you get for 3 bosses per week (30 Original Resin).
- In addition, if the material you randomly get from the boss kill is the wrong one, you will need up to 6 Dream Solvent to convert the wrong material into the correct material. Each weekly boss kill has a 33% chance to drop 1 Dream Solvent, so on average you get 1 Dream Solvent per week if you only do the three 50% discount weekly boss kills.
- Talent books
- 3 Green, 2 + 4 + 6 + 9 Blue, 4 + 6 + 12 Golden.
- Overall an equivalent of 136 Blue Books.
- The amount of Original Resin to farm this cannot be calculated because too much RNG is involved in 1) how many books drop per domain run, and 2) how many bonuses you get from your characters when you convert low-level books into higher-level books.
- Character EXP
- 6 + 28 + 29 + 42 + 59 + 80 + 171 = 415 Hero's Wit.
- A few more of the lower-level EXP materials are needed, but these are negligible.
Normal bosses
- Pyro Regisvine: This is really very, very easy, even for a beginner or someone like me who is bad at fighting. The strategy is to stay at extremely close range and dodge a few moves. Early on the Pyro Regisvine can be soloed with Barbara, later on you just use whatever non-Pyro characters you have.
- Cryo Regisvine: In the early game I was never able to beat this boss. Later on I didn't even try anymore because I focused on building non-Cryo characters.
- Electro Regisvine: I never had the need to fight this boss - all the materials I needed to build my Electro characters came from the Electro Hypostasis.
While I was learning the game, Hypostasis bosses scared the crap out of me because I was not familiar with how the combat system works and because of the devastating effect of the boss attacks on low-level characters. After watching some YouTube videos I then learned to solo the Electro and Anemo Hypostatis bosses with Barbara, and in general lost some of my respect after realizing that the general behavior of all Hypostatis bosses is similar and the moves of specific bosses can be learned on top.
The general strategy for all Hypostatis bosses that I fought so far is this:
- The boss performs one of its attacks, then it reverts for a short time to its crystal form. Most of the time the Hypostatis is invulnerable during its attack, so you have no choice but to dodge the attack. In its crystal form the boss is vulnerable, though, and that's the time when you can attack it.
- Repeat dodge/attack cycles until the boss is close to zero health.
- When the boss is almost at zero health it retreats into the center of the arena and spawns 3 fragments that need to be destroyed to completely destroy the Hypostasis. There is only a short time frame in which to do this.
- If you fail to destroy all of the fragments the Hypostasis regenerates some of its health - how much depends on how many of the fragments survived - and another round of battle begins.
- At the end of rounds 2 and later, the Hypostatis only spawns as many fragments as survived in the previous round, so if you manage to destroy only one fragment per round you need 3 rounds to beat a Hypostasis.
Hypostasis fights are not time-gated, so as long as you're able to dodge the attacks or can heal up again, you may take as long as you need to beat the boss.
Some notes about each Hypostasis that I have fought so far:
- Electro Hypostasis: If necessary can be soloed with Barbara for most of the fight, although it's slow. At the end I use Xiangling's burst to take down the fragments - once she is leveled up a bit you should be able to take down all 3 fragments in one go.
- Anemo Hypostasis: If necessary can be entirely soloed with Barbara, although it's very slow. A ranged character (bow or catalyst user) is very useful because the boss is flying. I don't remember any other details about the fight at the moment.
- Geo Hypostasis: A Claymore-wielding character is more or less mandatory to efficiently destroy the Geo construct pillars summoned by the boss at the beginning and end of each round. Xiangling and Fischl are good as well for this boss. During the fight, dodge all attacks and use the Claymore wielder to systematically damage all of the pillars until they are almost-but-not-quite destroyed. From now on, when the boss attacks you while sitting atop one of the pillars, dash to the pillar and destroy it - the boss will then fall down to the ground and revert to its crystal form so that you can attack it. At the end of a round I currently use Zhongli's tap-and-hold elemental skill to destroy two fragments/pillar in one go, then destroy the third fragment/pillar with the Claymore wielder.
- Dendro Hypostasis: You need an Electro and a Dendro characters for this fight to destroy the fragments at the end of a round. I use Collei and Fischl because they are ranged, so I don't lose time dashing around the arena. First apply Electro, then apply Dendro to each fragment. Doing this for two fragments is sufficient to destroy the Hypostasis. During the fight use whatever characters you have available for damaging the Hypostasis - YouTube videos say that you should not use Pyro because it also damages your characters, but I have found that with a healer in the team this damage is negligible. My current team for this fight is Diluc, Barbara, Fischl and Collei.
- Pyro Hypostasis: I never fought this boss.
- Hydro Hypostasis: I never fought this boss. Character ascension material is for Ayato and Kokomi.
- Cryo Hypostasis: I never fought this boss.
Other bosses
- Primo Geovishap: Use a character with a Geo shield. When the UI advises to use a shield, put up the Geo shield => the next attack from the boss will reflect damage to itself, taking out a large chunk of its health. If you don't have a Geo shield character just run away from the boss and damage it with ranged attacks. YouTube video. Character Ascension material is for Hu Tao, Xiao and Yanfei.
- Maguu Kenki: Before I got Zhongli, I usually managed to beat him one way or another, although usually one of my characters dies because I get confused when he dashes away and I fail to dodge the 3 wave attacks he puts out in quick succession afterwards. I never fought this boss after I got Zhongli, but I imagine the fight will be much easier. Character Ascension material is for Kazuha and Sayu.
- Ruin Serpent: I don't care about the corruption/Lumenspar stuff and just DPS this boss down. With a healer in the team this should not be a problem - at least it worked for me, even without Zhongli. Character Ascension material is for Shinobu, Heizou and Yelan.
- Setekh Wenut: Super-easy boss, I believe any kind of elemental reaction is just fine to beat this boss. Bring a healer or shielder, just in case.
So far I never had to fight the following bosses:
- Perpetual Mechanical Array. Character Ascension materials are for Gorou and Ayaka.
- Thunder Manifestation
- Golden Wolflord
- Coral Defenders. Character Ascension material is for Shenhe and Yae Miko.
- Jadeplume Terrorshroom. Character Ascension material is for Collei and Tighnari.
- Aeonblight Drake. Character Ascension material is for Layla, Nilou and Wanderer.
- Algorithm of Semi-Intransient Matrix of Overseer Network. Character Ascension material is for Candace, Dehya and Faruzan.
- Iniquitous Baptist. Character Ascension material is for Baizhu and Kirara.
- Emperor of Fire and Iron
- Icewind Suite
- Millennial Pearl Seahorse: Character Ascension material is for Neuvillette.
Rhodeia of Loch (aka the Oceanid)
Character ascension material is for Barbara, Mona, Tartaglia, Xingqiu.
General notes:
- For the longest time this boss was at the top of my hate list, because I just could not beat it with the characters I had, and yet I needed the materials desperately for my beginner Hydro characters (Barbara and Xingqiu).
- The team with which I was eventually successful was Lisa, Fischl, Xiangling and Yaoyao. The Electro characters are the actual damage dealers, both of them need to be developed to quite some extent. Xiangling and Yaoyao I only added for desperate times, to use their bursts for damage and healing, respectively.
- Recently I acquired Zhongli, and with him beating this boss finally became easy.
Weekly Bosses
Wolf of the North challenge (Andrius)
Talent leveling items:
- Tail of Boreas: Qiqi, Traveler, Venti, Xingqiu
- Ring of Boreas: Barbara, Keqing, Klee, Mona
- Spirit Locket of Boreas: Fischl, Kaeya, Ningguang, Sucrose
General notes:
- Don’t bring Barbara or any Hydro character that applies Hydro to itself => You get frozen.
- Once I got Yaoyao and built her healing capabilities up to a reasonable level, this boss became relatively easy to beat for me. The team I usually use is Fischl, Xiangling, Kazuha and Yaoyao, and I fight in a quick-swap style with many elemental reactions. With Yaoyao it became possible to fight at close range and not worry too much about any damage the boss deals.
- With Zhongli instead of Yaoyao the fight becomes even simpler.
Battle notes:
- Phase 1
- Claw attack (only when in close range): Evade by moving to the rear.
- In general, staying at the rear is the safest location. The front of the boss has an extended „hit box“ which makes it harder to evade hits.
- Iced claw attack (only when in close range): Creates an ice patch and then claws/swipes: Evade by dashing away - at the rear dashing twice is enough.
- Jump attack (only when in mid range): Creates an ice circle at your location, then jumps and slams. Evade by dashing out of the circle.
- Charge attack (only when in far range): Evade by dashing sideways. Prep animation looks exactly the same as claw attack.
- Claw attack (only when in close range): Evade by moving to the rear.
- Intermediate phase
- Always enters this phase when at 50% health, then afterwards proceeds to phase 2.
- Also enters this phase after 2 minutes if not yet at 50%, then resumes phase 1. If still not yet at 50% after ? seconds, enters intermediate phase again and then proceeds to phase 2.
- Runs around the arena & is invulnerable
- 2 times after the run he dashes at you. Dodge the rush to the side.
- When he dashes towards you he is vulnerable, so when he stops running you have a small window where you can shoot a charged ranged attack to damage him a little (but it’s probably not worth it).
- The 3rd time he jumps into the middle of the arena (not your position). An ice circle marks the landing spot. Dodge outside of the circle.
- Phase 2
- From now on the outer half of the arena is covered in ice and damages characters that stand on it.
- Has new attacks
- Icicle rain: Shoots an icicle at you every second while also attacking you with swipes. The location where the icicles will hit is marked with a spinning circle. Stay mobile to stay outside of the circles, but also take care to dodge the attacks.
- This attack always occurs right after entering phase 2.
- This attack occurs again about 90 seconds after phase 2 starts.
- Tail swipe (only when you are the side or behind): Raises a leg to indicate the direction of the tail swipe. Dashing into the tail evades the attack.
- Slam 1: Raises front legs, then slams down to create a blast wave in front. Just before the slam the area hit by the blast wave becomes covered with ice. Evade by dashing to the side.
- Slam 2 (green): Raises front legs then slams down to shoot 3 waves in front in front. No path is covered by ice, and also the animation has a greenish tint. Also dodge to the side, but it’s also possible to evade by moving between two waves.
- Howl Aoe: Creates a swirling circle around the boss that does Anemo damage - apparently this does not a lot of damage, so simply keep attacking him.
- Icicle rain: Shoots an icicle at you every second while also attacking you with swipes. The location where the icicles will hit is marked with a spinning circle. Stay mobile to stay outside of the circles, but also take care to dodge the attacks.
- Phase 3
- Enters this phase at 20% health.
- Small wolves will attack you every 3 seconds.
- Attacks stay the same, but the wolves make it harder to dodge the attacks.
Confront Stormterror (Dvalin)
Talent leveling items:
- Dvalin's Plume: Bennett, Diluc, Jean
- Dvalin's Claw: Lisa, Noelle, Razor, Xiangling
- Dvalin's Sigh: Amber, Beidou, Chongyun, Traveler
General notes:
- Don't be stupid and fall off the edge of a platform. This usually happens to me when I'm greedy and stay too long at the platform edge while attacking Dvalin's claws - I then get knocked off by Dvalin's breath.
- Team: Diluc, Fischl, Kazuha, Barbara.
- I like to have Diluc because he does big chunks of damage to the claws with his claymore and his Elemental Skill. In one battle I was carless and Diluc got killed, but I still managed to win although I went without Diluc for most of the fight.
- I prefer Barbara over Yaoyao because I can trigger her Elemental Skill and this will continue to heal the active character (usually Diluc) while flying around.
- Co-op is not possible in this domain.
- Claymore attacks deal more damage to Dvalin's shield than regular attacks.
- You can get 5-star artifacts only starting with domain level 2. The chances at level 2/3/4/… are 41%/82%/100%+23%.
- At the left/right edges of the platform there are 3 swirls that when collected create an updraft. Use this to fly into the air and evade attacks, and later to fly to a neighbouring platform.
Battle notes:
- Combat can be grouped into sequences consisting of 3 phases.
- Phase 1: Fly-by, Bite or Dragon Breath attacks. During this phase the goal is to reduce the boss' shield to zero. When the shield is gone the boss is stunned and phase 2 begins.
- Evade the fly-by attack by collecting the 3 swirls and floating up into the air.
- Eventually the boss will land with its two claws resting on the platform. It will then start to breathe onto the platform at one end, and continue to sweep towards the other end of the platform with its breath. The best way to deal with this is to dive-attack near one claw, then dash towards the other claw and start dealing damage there while the dragon breath is slowly following you. If you didn't manage to break the shield when the breath reaches you, back away and use the 3 swirls to float up into the air to evade the breath damage.
- The boss will sometimes smash its head onto the platform. The head is vulnerable, so this can be used to sneak in a few hits. You have to be quick, though, because the boss will retract its head after only a short time.
- Phase 2: Stunned. During this phase you climb onto the back of the boss and deal as much damage as possible by attacking the weak spot marked with cross-hairs.
- Phase 3: Missile attack + possibly "taint".
- The missile attack shoots 2 times 2 missiles at you. Evade by dashing or flying away.
- After the missile attack there is either a giant pulse bomb attack (fly above the platform to dodge) or a "taint" attack. If its a pulse bomb attack then the battle simply resumes with phase 1.
- A "taint" attack instead "taints" the platform you stand on, and one of the adjacent platforms. From now on you take DoT damage when you stand on the "tainted" platform. The damage increases the longer you stand on the platform. Effectively you are forced to fly to an adjacent "untainted" platform. This progresses the battle until eventually all 4 platforms are "tainted".
- Phase 1: Fly-by, Bite or Dragon Breath attacks. During this phase the goal is to reduce the boss' shield to zero. When the shield is gone the boss is stunned and phase 2 begins.
- The first progression happens immediately after Dvalin is stunned for the first time, or 2 minutes after the battle started, whichever comes earlier.
- The second progression happens immediately after Dvalin is stunned for the third time, or 8 minutes after the previous progression, whichever comes earlier.
- The third progression happens 2 minutes after the previous progression. This progression does not "taint" a platform, but for the rest of the battle causes energy pulses to strike marked areas on all platforms (even un"tainted" ones).
- The fourth progression happens immediately after Dvalin is stunned for the sixth time, or 8 minutes after the previous progression, whichever comes earlier.
Enter the Golden House (Childe)
Talent leveling items:
- Tusk of Monoceros Caeli: Albedo, Xinyan, Zhongli
- Shard of a Foul Legacy: Diona, Hu Tao, Tartaglia
- Shadow of the Warrior: Ganyu, Rosaria, Xiao
General notes:
- The chances to get 5-star artifacts at level 1/2/3/4 are 82%/100%+23%.
- Main DPS character should have same level as the boss (60/70/80/90)
- I never managed to beat this boss on lower levels and eventually stopped trying. Once I got Zhongli, though, beating the boss at the highest level was rather easy. Team: Yelan, Fischl, Yaoyao, Zhongli.
- When you get a Riptide Mark (which afflicts the player with constant Hydro or Electro), run to & touch the fighting arena wall to remove the mark. This causes a Vaporize reaction which deals no damage.
Battle notes:
- Phase 1: Hydro attacks
- Shoots arrows => Evade by walking in a circle.
- Jumps into the air and shoots waves => Evade by walking in a circle, or dash for i-frame. When he lands, attack (melee or ranged, e.g. Barbara)
- Takes step forward to do ? => Dash in and attack 3 times.
- Teleports away => Start to circle again.
- When he puts away the bow and looks at you => Dash in and attack
- Summons whale, indicator is a large blue circle around the boss => Run to the edge of the arena
- Rain attack, indicator is a small blue circle around me => Dash away, repeatedly
- Transformation phase 1 => 2
- Dashes to center of arena where he performs Hydro knockback that does not deal damage
- During transformation => Simply keep attacking.
- Phase 2: Electro attacks
- Touching the arena walls afflicts you with Pyro => This is bad because the boss’ Electro attacks cause Overload + knockback.
- Repeated dashing spear attacks => Evade by dashing, direction does not matter because he just dashes in to the location you are.
- Blade attacks => Evade by dashing & keeping distance
- Sometimes puts weapons away => Attack
- ? attack, indicator is an electro circle around me => Dash to & touch wall of arena to remove
- Dive attack, indicator is a kind of summoning gesture (?) => Dash away
- Transformation phase 2 => 3
- Cut scene that can be skipped
- Initially is non-hostile => Heal up
- Phase 3
- Dashes towards you => Stand behind him and attack
- When he starts facing you => Dash away
- Again, repeated dashing spear attacks
- ? attack, indicator is electro circle around me => Dash out of the circle
- ? attack, indicator is first raised hands, then ornamental circles on the ground => Dash to middle of the room
- ? attack, indicator is an electro circle around me => Dash to & touch wall of arena to remove, then dash away from circle to evade AoE
- Whale => see phase 1
Beneath the Dragon-Queller (Azhdaha)
Talent leveling items:
- Dragon Lord's Crown: Eula, Traveler, Yoimiya
- Bloodjade Branch: Dori, Ayaka, Yanfei
- Gilded Scale: Kazuha, Sayu, Yelan
Narukami Island: Tenshukaku (La Signora)
Talent leveling items:
- Molten Moment: Aloy, Gorou, Raiden
- Hellfire Butterfly: Kokomi, Shenhe, Thoma
- Ashen Heart: Itto, Kujou Sara, Yun Jin
- The battle has 2 phases
- In phase 1 the boss has increased Cryo resistance (50%), fights with Cryo attacks, and there is a Sheer Cold effect in play.
- In phase 2 the boss has increased Pyro resistance (70%), fights with Pyro attacks, and there is a Blazing Heat effect in play.
- Towards the end of phase 1 (at 20% health) the boss will protect herself with a very strong Cryo shield.
- The fastest way to break the shield is to pick up between attacks one of the red moths that are spawning in this phase - the next attack after picking up a moth considerably reduces the shield gauge.
- In general, elemental reactions are helpful to break the shield. Pyro attacks that cause Melt are particularly effective. In one video I have seen it was said that the shield is immune to Hydro attacks.
- In phase 2, once the boss falls below 50% health she will occasionally turn into a fire tornado that sweeps across the combat arena, all the while spawning smaller tornados. This tornado attack also occurs when the boss falls to 20% health. The boss cannot be targeted, and therefore is invulnerable, while in tornado form. During this time, simply stand in one of the 4 corners and wait until the attack is over. The main tornado never touches the 4 corners, only the smaller tornadoes do, so you only have to evade those.
General team advice:
- The team should contain at least one non-Cryo and one non-Pyro damage dealer to be used in the respective phases.
- The team should contain a healer to counter the health loss that is likely to accrue from Sheer Cold/Blazing Heat. Without a healer, the health loss can be prevented by keeping the Sheer Cold/Blazing Heat gauges below 100%, by standing close to and/or destroying the support thingys that spawn during the battle in the 4 corners of the battle field. Although possible, it makes the fight more complicated and it will probably take longer to defeat the boss, so using a healer is usually more efficient.
- As usual, a shielder character makes the fight more comfortable. A shield will not help against Sheer Cold/Blazing Heat, though, so to be on the safe side you may want to include both a shielder and a healer.
- Xiangling, Yelan, Yaoyao, Zhongli
- During the archon quest I probably used this team: Diluc, Kazuha, Barbara and either Fischl, Xiangling or Xingqiu. I won the fight in the first attempt, but I recall that it was a very close shave.
End of the Oneiric Euthymia (Mikoto)
Talent leveling items:
- Mudra of the Malefic General: Cyno, Ayato, Traveler
- Tears of the Calamitous God: Candace, Collei, Shinobu, Nilou
- The Meaning of Aeons: Heizou, Tighnari, Yae Miko
General team advice:
- Bring an Electro character. This is almost mandatory to prevent one of your characters dying every time during the Shadowlord phase of combat.
- A healer is also good. For me a healer is required even when I have a shield, because I am so bad at combat and the boss does so much damage.
The battle has 2 phases:
- Phase 1: The boss is in human form. In this phase the boss has an enrage meter that fills up as the boss takes damage. When the meter is full the boss transforms from human form into Shadowlord form and the battle enters phase 2. The goal during phase 1 is to do as much damage as possible.
- Phase 2: The boss is in Shadowlord form. In this form the boss has a shield and takes only reduced damage. When the shield breaks the boss transforms back into human form and the battle goes back to phase 1. The goal during phase 2 is to break the shield so that you can go back to doing damage.
- The phase 2 shield depletes over time by itself, but you can speed this up by doing damage. Pyro + Cryo do the most damage to the shield.
- In phase 2 you continuously lose energy. When the shield breaks and phase 1 resumes, the entire party is restored to full energy.
Phase 1 (human form) attacks
- The boss has a lot of melee attacks. In general attacks are announced by a white flash and can be evaded with a dash.
- When you are too far away the boss does a ranged projectile attack. This can be evaded by simply walking sideways.
- Boss summons an Electroculus: Destroy the Electroculus immediately or it will explode & deal damage. Destroying the Electroculus also puts Raiden into a weakened state where you can do free damage.
- Boss summons 3 Electroculi: Destroy one Electroculus, then stay in the safe area that it leaves behind until the other 2 explode.
- Boss enters portal and creates 3 clones of herself: Attack the clone that shoots an „X“ formed projectile at you. This stuns the boss and lets you do free damage.
- The boss creates a shield: Destroy the shield to stagger the boss, which will let you do free damage.
- The boss uses an Electro storm before transforming: Stay outside the center of the storm, the small circles deal less damage than the center area.
- Possibly more attacks, but I don't remember them.
Phase 2 (Shadowlord form) attacks
- The boss summons a flower & reduces the entire party's energy to 0 (aka "Final Slash" attack): Quickly destroy the flower with a single Electro attack, or with 4 non-Electro attacks, to create a shield that protects against the attack. If you have no shield, the attack kills the active character.
- Other than that, there are too many attacks for me to remember.
Joururi Workshop (Shouki / Scaramouche)
Talent leveling items:
- Puppet Strings: Dehya, Faruzan, Nahida
- Mirror of Mushin: Alhaitham, Layla, Mika
- Daka's Bell: Wanderer, Yaoyao
Brute-force team
Read the subsequent sections below for detailed information about the phases of the boss fight. Currently I'm brute-forcing the fight because I'm too lazy to remember all the combat mechanics.
- The team I'm using is Yelan, Kazuha, Yaoyao and Zhongli.
- Phase 1: Shield up with Zhongli and deal damage with Yelan.
- Phase 2: Try to charge the Dendro bomb to speed up the fight faster. Other than that, again just shield up with Zhongli and deal damage with Yelan. Because she has ranged attacks she can hit the boss even when he is floating some distance away.
- In phase 3 I usually fail to destroy the turret and drones within 40 seconds because I am so lazy. This is no big deal, though, I just make sure that when the timer runs out the active character that gets killed is Kazuha. He is the least important character, so after the fight I simply revive him at a Statue of the Seven.
- Phase 2: Simply DPS the boss down with Yelan and 1 or 2 Dendro bombs.
Phase 1
- Collect 2 small or 1 large crystal to charge the pet
- Crystals are spawned
- After Lightning Strike attack after 1st Electro node is cleared
- When charged stand on one of the nodes on the ground to trigger an effect
- Hydro => Heals. Most of the time crystals are better used.
- Pyro / Cryo => Clears the afflicted areas on the ground. But the boss will recreate them, so it's a waste of time.
- Anemo => Soar up in the air. Useful to evade the attack after the stun.
- 2x Electro => Semi-stun boss after first, fully stun boss after second.
- Boss attacks
- Electro Missiles + 2 Homing Pyramids: Stay far away to evade the missiles. When the Homing Pyramids stop tracking, use dash to evade them.
- Merry-go-round: Walk a little with the spin, then dash back to remain in the same relative position to the boss. Or simply continue walking with the spin, then dash back at the end.
- Fire / Ice Hands: Either sweep with one hand + Slam with the other, or just a Slam. Evade by running to the other end of the arena.
- Anemo Whirlpools: First spawns winds with strong suction, then infuses them with Hydro to create moving whirlpools => Stay close to the body of the boss to evade the winds, then when the whirlpools come closer move just a little bit to the side to evade. Alternatively, just stay far away from the boss.
- After 1st Electro node: Lightning Strikes, marked on the ground. Area is relatively large, but can be evaded with sprint.
- After 2nd Electro node: Electro Beam. Evade by touching the Anemo node.
After defeating the boss in phase 1, the boss "respawns" and the battle progresses to phase 2.
Phase 2
- When phase 2 begins after phase 1 the boss has a shield. The goal is to destroy the shield to progress to phase 3.
- When phase 2 begins again after phase 3/4, the boss' shield is gone. The goal now is to bring down the boss' health to zero to end the fight.
- In general, stay away from the boss. The pet will constantly shoot at the boss and inflict damage.
- Grab crystals when they are available to charge a Dendro bomb. Attacking with the bomb takes out a huge chunk of the boss' shield or health. The bomb is not wasted if the attack misses, you can try again until you hit.
- Boss attacks
- Stomp + Shockwave: The stomp with its foot/leg has a small radius - evade by staying away. Evade the following Shockwave simply by jumping over the line.
- Sword Plunge: Hits the ground with a sword, the impact has a large radius - again, evade by staying far away.
- Fire / Ice Tackle: Boss teleports to the other side of the arena, then charges at you. Does this twice. Evade by simply dashing to the side.
- X-Attack: Boss marks an x-shape on the ground. Move out of the marked area to evade.
- Electro Storm: Creates a growing circle on the ground that follows you. Evade by walking away from it. Next creates vertical Electro beams - when one is on you, dash away to evade.
- Bomb Scatter: Scatters elemental bombs on the ground, followed by a scattering of sparks. Try to not get hit.
- The bombs explode after some time and deal AoE damage.
- Destroy a bomb with an elemental attack of a different kind than the bomb’s element to prevent the explosion. This will also spawn a crystal with which the Dendro bomb can be charged faster.
- Spirit Bomb: Occurs only when the boss' shield is destroyed.
- Is this really true? In another video there was just an animation, followed by the spawning of the units of the next phase.
When the boss' shield is destroyed in phase 2, it spawns 3 floating drones and 1 ground-based turret and the battle progresses to phase 3.
Phase 3
- You have 40 seconds to complete this phase, otherwise the boss will land, drain the energy from the entire party and kill the active character. A shield does not protect against this. Afterwards the battle goes back to phase 2.
- The turret is shooting at you continuously, the drones only shoot a beam at intervals.
- Turret and drones are immune to Electro, Hydro and Physical damage.
- Best to bring is a non-Electro/Hydro caster or archer, because they can hit the floating drones much easier.
- TSoul22 says to kill the drones first, then the turret, because "the turret is tankier". Sun Wei on the other kills the turret first because it is the thing shooting at him - which makes more sense to me.
- Once the turret and all of the drones are down, collect the 4 crystals and shoot a Dendro bomb at the boss.
- Shoot the bomb quickly after killing the last thing, because if you wait too long the boss will drop a Spirit Bomb that nukes the arena.
When you shoot the boss with the Dendro bomb within 40 seconds of the beginning of phase 3, the boss is paralyzed and the battle progresses to phase 4.
Phase 4
- When the boss is paralyzed all Elemental Bursts of the entire party refresh.
- The boss lands and spawns a platform to which you can "teleport" by using the Sumeru sigils.
- You now have 30 seconds to kill the boss. During those 30 seconds all RES of the boss is greatly reduced.
- If you can't kill the boss within 30 seconds, the battle goes back to phase 2.
The Realm of Beginnings (Guardian)
Talent leveling items:
- Worldspan Fern: Baizhu, Freminet, Traveller
- Primordial Greenbloom: Kaveh, Lyney, Wriothesley
- Everamber: Kirara, Lynette, Neuvillette
Shadow of Another World (All-Devouring Narwhal)
Talent leveling items:
- Lightless Silk String: Charlotte
- Lightless Eye of the Maelstrom: -
- Lightless Mass: Furina